XXXV. Another Strong or a Targaryen?

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After the reunion between Naelys and Daemon, the two lovers met again and again even as the years passed.

Whenever she could, Naelys would visit Laena and meet Daemon there. The sweet Velaryon was always happy to have her favourite cousin over, who often bore news and letters from her family and brother.

She was, of course, more than happy to see Naelys and Daemon spending time together whether in their Chambers or on top of their dragons. It was clear as day that those two were meant to be together and Laena hoped, that one day they would; in the Old Valyrian Way.

Naelys kept spending her nights with Daemon, whenever she visited but also made sure to drink Moon Tea every following morning. As much as she knew Daemon wished for heirs, she knew she could not offer them to him...not yet.

One might say that if she were to be pregnant, she could claim it was Harwin's child; since she had yet to bore one with him. The Dragon Whisperer, though, knew this could not be the case.

For if she were to end up pregnant, Daemon would burn the whole of King's Landing and Ser Harwin; while publicly claiming the child as his. This, would not only bring shame to Naelys, who would be seen as a cheater and a whore; but would also complicate even more the relationship the Rogue Prince had with his family.

Naelys did try with Harwin a few times but there was no spark between them. They remained friends, since after all, the knight had a true connection with Rhaenyra instead.

They had been warned to be careful and Naelys made sure her adopted sister was taking Moon Tea. Yet, she still ended up pregnant twice and twice she bore a child with hair as dark as Harwin's.

One would have to be an idiot not to make the connection and the whispers only grew after the second birth. Some claimed that Ser Harwin was unfaithful but the majority blamed Naelys.

Many dared to call her either a barren woman or unable to satisfy her man, leading him with every right to find solace in a woman who could pleasure him. Naelys did not care about such rumours, for her worry was only about her sister.

She was still Viserys heir and a lot of men did not like that. Those men would gladly grab any chance to humiliate her and prove to others that she was unfit to rule. Those men, of course, were also those that supported the Green Queen; who Naelys knew had a part behind such rumours.

King Viserys did not take kindly those words and still tried to put an end to them, despite his declining health. Naelys helped with that, countering those gossips by reminding the world that Baratheon blood ran through their veins and that's where such dark hair came from.

If Alicent had given birth to brown-haired children, perhaps people would be more willing to reconsider. But so far, the Green Queen had birthed 3 children and all had the famous Silver/Gold hair and violet eyes that every Targaryen bore.

Naelys found it ironic, how her children all were Targaryen featured but Rhaenyra's wasn't. As if the Valyrian Gods did not take it lightly upon her sleeping with a man outside her marriage. A hypocrisy on their part, Naelys thought, since Old Valyria supported open and multiple relationships; as well as a man taking more than one wife.

Thankfully for Rhaenyra, she had the support of those, who cared for her.

Laenor did not mind that the children were not his. He saw them as his own and helped raise them, the first two at least. He even let Rhaenyra name them; Jacerys and Lucaerys.

Ser Harwin, of course, was the most doting with them but also with Rhaenyra. He helped look after the children and also taught them how to fight, using wooden swords for now.

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