XIII. Green Becomes Black

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[A/N] - I noticed a lot of votes in the past few days, which makes me want to say...


I honestly did not expect the book to be noticed so quickly. Makes me happy to see all those votes every day, for it is my first time writing fanfiction for this fandom and I try to keep it all as OG as possible, especially the character. I do a lot of research and study to keep up and ensure it is a genuine experience for all of you.

However, I would like to know in the comments, what you think so far. Do you like it? Do I rush a lot with the timeline? (Although I do promise now that Naelys is an adult I will give more scenes of her and Daemon). 

Let me know in the comments (^人^)
I always love reading them and discussing them with you! 


Around a week after the events at Driftmark, the return of Vhagar and the small reunion with Daemon; Naelys had to return to the Red Keep. A big part of her did not want to leave but the people there needed her.

Alliscent was getting married to King Viserys; after he had been pressured by his small council and Lord Corlys himself to marry. Of course, the latter had suggested his 14-year-old daughter but the king could not marry a child. Instead, he chose Aliscent who was of age and had been by his side during those months of grief.

Rhaenyra was the one affected the most by that decision, for it was her best friend getting married to her father and would become her stepmother. Naelys could not blame her, for every word of that sentence sounded so wrong. However, none had the power to influence or change it, especially teenage girls.

All they could do was persevere in silence.

While Naelys was happy about Aliscent, she could see the Hightower girl was not fully ready. She adored the king but marrying, sleeping and carrying the baby of someone so much older than you...it felt odd and wrong.

Yet, as a good friend, she supported her decision and was even present as her hair was being made for the big event. She sat by Aliscent's side, holding her hands into hers for moral support. It was clear as day that she was anxious, the wedding was supposed to be a big day for a woman, and it was for the people of King's Landing as well.

"Have you seen Rhaenyra?" Aliscent asked, feeling the need to pick her fingers due to worry but the Dragon Whisperer held her hands tightly to prevent that.

"No, I am sorry Aliscent. I haven't seen her" she replied, her thumb caressing the skin of the bride-to-be.

Ever since the news of this marriage was announced, the Princess had been avoiding her best friend as much as possible, clearly hurt by the decision her father made. 

Aliscent let out a heavy sigh and looked at Naelys. "When this is all over...please don't look at me differently...you know...being sort of your stepmother..."

The Dragon Whisperer gave a gentle and comforting smile. "In front of people, I will have to call you 'your grace' but...when it's just us, if you want me to, I will not mind calling you Aliscent"

Her words offered comfort to the future queen. She never truly had a lot of friends, other than the two girls, and now that she would be married to the king...things changed too fast. Already people had started to treat her differently, like the queen she will be and all had forgotten that she was still Aliscent Hightower.


Every lord with their family had arrived and was present for the big Wedding between King Viserys Targaryen and Aliscent Hightower. All but the Velayrions, who were still bitter by the fact that the king turned down their daughter and refused to strengthen the bond of Old Valyria through their descendants.

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