V. Changes

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After the Rogue Prince and Naelys returned, something changed between them. No longer was there the invisible tension between them. Daemon had more respect for the little one and they even spent their ride home, talking faintly about Dragons.

In the end, they did a new start...far better than their first one.

Daemon saw in his dreams the same vision he had when he looked into her eyes. An Adult Naelys riding a huge black Dragon, passing amongst flames and burning her enemies to the ground.

He saw this dream a few times and while he did not believe in omens, he believed in this vision and he intended to make it a reality. For that, whenever he was around, he took the young girl and would teach her how to ride a horse and use a sword.

He trained her, despite the arguments others had on the fact that she was a mere girl. When she asked him why he trained her, he gave the same answer.

"You need to know how to defend yourself. Never trust others to do it for you, for they will fail"

She took his words to heart and she trained hard, following his advice. When he was not present, she would train alone or with the help of Ser Harrold Westerling, the Lord Commander of the King's Guard.

At first, the Lord Commander merely watched her but after he saw a few mistakes she did; he could not help but guide her. He taught her the honourable way of fighting and the proper hold of a sword, along with the right footwork.

His teaching proved to help as Naelys managed to hold longer each time when she sparred with Daemon and yet the prince each time overpowered her smaller form, before forcing her onto the muddy ground.

When they were not sparring, they would go flying. Their dragons were in contrast with one another when it came to size but their colours seemed to be matching the black and red colours that represented the Targaryen family.

Daemon could stare at her for hours as she rode bareback on top of Nissera, with no need of any saddle unlike him. She rode so freely, moving along with the dragon as if they were one as if she was born on one.

His dragon seem to favour the little girl, always eager when he saw her with his rider and he did go the extra length to annoy Nissera; more playfully.

The older dragon kept ignoring him as much as she could, with the occasional roars when he became too annoying, something that always amused both dragon riders.


The years passed and Naely grew up into teenagehood. She had passed her 17th name day and she grew more beautiful each day. While her face still had that faint childish innocence, her body had matured slowly and she had gotten the growth sprout Daemon had expected...although there was room for some more.

She had grown closer with Rhaenyra and Alliscent, the three girls growing together

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She had grown closer with Rhaenyra and Alliscent, the three girls growing together. Naelys had been officially adopted by the Royal family and even bared the last name Targaryen in formal events, known as a cousin of the Princess.

His Dragoness (Daemon Targaryen x OC)Where stories live. Discover now