XVII. The Dornish Friend

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After Daemon and Naelys had spotted Rhaenery's ship returning, they knew they had to return to the capital. Most specifically, the Dragon Whisperer had to, for she needed to meet her younger sister and ask why she was back. Truth be told, deep down she knew the reason but she did have hopes that The Princess would last more than two months.

It looked like she lost that bet with Ser Harrold and once he was back, she would have to pay him. It was not uncommon for the two of them to place small friendly bets when it came to Rhaenyra and her actions; although many times the loyal knight refused to take the woman's money.

Their trip to the dragon pits was cut short for when they arrived, guards were already waiting for the Rogue Prince. His brother had already found out that he was returning and he had been well prepared to welcome the troublesome Targaryen.

This forced them to cut their reunion short but they would get their chance to see each other on better terms, soon enough.


Naelys had never ridden her horse that fast before, wanting to catch up with the royal carriage and beat them back at the Red Keep. Whenever she was on the saddle, she always thought of him and how he had taught her how to ride.

Pushing any thoughts to the side, she focused on reaching her destination and let the squires handle everything as she took the steps two at a time. She had to wash and change, her clothes still wet and clinging to her skin.

Passing Lords and Ladies watched and gossiped, seeing her in full armour and water forming a trail of drops behind her. It was not uncommon by now that Lady Naelys had unusual hobbies and she had more than once been spotted in something that no lady of her title should wear or even do.

Ignoring them all, she had reached her chambers where her maid had already warmed up water for her bath. Her handmaid, Allyria, was a Dornish woman, a product of a Dornish lord and a handmaiden; thus carrying the last name Sand. However, Dorne did not shun her for her origin and she had the luck to be raised among the noble sons of the lord. Yet, with no true title to her name or fortune, she knew she had to gain it herself.

This is how she had come to Kings Landing and started to work as a lower-class servant until she had been noticed by Naelys.

The young woman was almost of the same age and had found the Dragon Whisperer standing on top of one of the balconies, looking down at the city. At first, Allyria thought that Naelys was thinking to jump and rushed to talk her out of it. In reality, the Dragon Whisperer hadn't been with Nissera for weeks and she missed the feeling of being somewhere up, free and away from imposing walls that kept one trapped.

Naelys admired the girl's bravery and also understanding, for she too wished for freedom and a chance to live her life. Soon enough, the Dragon Whisperer had asked her to become her handmaid, for she had none all those years. She had learnt how to care for herself and did not trust someone to see her scars or the symbol that marked her true origin.

She was often pressured by many to take at least one handmaiden, for every lady of her status had one. Yet, none showed enough confidence or emitted the type of trust she was looking for. 

That was until she met Allyria.

The girl had a uniqueness about her, her olive skin, dark brown eyes and thick wavy black hair made her stand out against all the other Westerosi servants and handmaids. Naelys could almost relate to being the odd one out, not truly belonging somewhere but having to be there either way. 

Her trust was not misplaced for Allyria had served her for 3 years with the utmost loyalty. She was her handmaiden but also her friend, the two of them talking for hours about Dorn, history and dragons.

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