VI. A Fitting Present

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Naelys had bathed and changed into some clothes of comfort. She already had a dress given to her for the tournament but until then, she chose to wear something more to her style. What she went with, was a sleeveless light blue tunic with a high collar, similar to the one she wore for riding.

This one, however, was longer and almost reached her ankles. Yet, beneath it, she wore a pair of black pants that allowed her to ride, fight or run with ease while the tunic dress was not that long and was an obstacle.

It was simple, with no elaborate design and the material was thin linen, allowing her skin to breathe beneath it. Her hair was left free to fall down her back and stopped almost to her waist, its length had increased throughout the years and she barely touched them. Of course, the maids always loved putting it into fancy hairstyles during important events while she, preferred to be let free.

Naelys grabbed her training sword and made her way to one of the small gardens of the Red Keep. Everyone went to the more beautiful or big ones, but few knew of this small one at the edge of the Red Keep. There, there was more grass than flowers and it allowed a perfect isolated place for her to train,

A tournament would soon take place in honour of the child that will be born soon, whom the King strongly believed to be the heir he had been looking for. Because of that, a lot of people had arrived or were guests, making it harder for her to practise at her usual places. For she was still Lady Naelys Targaryen and a lady never carried a sword.

Thankfully, she had found this small patch that few knew and she would go there to train whenever important guests would come over. Her sword was not a real one but merely a fake of similar weight, to help her strengthen her arms and practise against other training swords.

She started with the basics, some classic footwork and hand coordination. Since the sword was heavy, she often found the need to use two hands to keep a stable grip or deliver strong blows. Because of that, she had to change to a more defensive style of fighting that would ensure her organs were protected and never left open for an attack.

She practised silently, eyes burning with determination as they glared at an imaginary opponent. She took sharp turns, did half circles and moved her sword as if blocking invisible hits. That was until a real blade attacked her out of nowhere.

Immediately, instincts kicked in and Naelys blocked it. She then used her better position to push the sword away from her while also taking a big step back, putting some space between herself and her opponent.

Her glare disappeared the moment she recognised it, a smile forming on her lips at the sight of the Rogue Targaryen prince that had been absent lately...too absent for her liking.

"Your blocks have improved" he commented as he sheathed his sword, Dark Sister, a smirk on his face.

Naelys gave a similar smirk as she sheathed her training sword and rolled her eyes faintly. "I had to practise, with or without you," she said as the two started to walk towards one another, meeting halfway. "I knew you would show up for the tournament, you always do"

Daemon was amused by her tone, now standing in front of her. Throughout the years she had grown taller, her head now almost reaching his nose. Her body had developed nicely, although hard for one to truly realize under the clothes she had chosen to wear. The feature that he had found the most captivating of all, was her unique eyes, forever reminding him of that vision and the powerful flames that shaped them.

No matter the years, they never changed and he could swear that sometimes, the flames within them had grown bigger and stronger. 

"I got you something," he said and extended his other hand, in which he held a sheathed blade.

His Dragoness (Daemon Targaryen x OC)Where stories live. Discover now