Chapter 18 - Alex

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HoT/DoT = Heal over Time / Damage over Time = Most attacks or heals just happen when you cast the spell or hit something with your weapon. But some things also have the ability to do healing or damage over time. Like if you cut someone and they start bleeding, or when someone breaks your heart and the pain keeps coming... Those things, they're DoTs.

The drive home is filled with Mom trying to get more information out of me. Though I don't have much to offer... Not much more than what she already guessed at anyway.

I send Troy a message, letting him know that I'll be back online in not too long. This morning I told him I'd do another dungeon run with him when I came back home. We're levelling a new class each, trying to complete maximum level on all classes. We normally play too much on our main and on our secondary classes, so the others kind of fall by the wayside. But now we have all the time to get back to this, with it being summer break and all.

'How did the date go?' Troy's response is kind of expected.

'Was fun. Movie was cool and we had pizza.' I'm not giving him extras so easily.

'Boooring. What happened? Did something interesting happen? Did you kiss her yet?'

I nearly choke on my own spit and break out into a coughing fit. Did he have to ask it like that? From the corner of my eyes I can see Mom look my way for a moment. "I'm fine." I shake my head. Physically maybe, mentally is a whole different thing.

'Well?' The guy is insistent.

'No. I didn't kiss her. Get your mind out of the gutter.'

'I thought that that was the whole goal of today... Boring!' He sends a couple of frowning emoticons with it.

'It's a date. I didn't go for a makeout session.'

'Pfff. Why wouldn't you?'

'Because she's never dated a girl before.' The moment I type the words, I realise how important they are is.

Fleur has never dated a girl before. I have, a couple of times, but she hasn't. And apart from the physical differences between boys and girls... Hey, I've seen and play fought with Troy nearly naked often enough to know there is a difference between the two. At least, when it comes to certain areas...

My cheeks already heat up when I think exactly of where those areas are and especially how I'd like to touch Fleur's ones...

'Ah.' It's just a single word, a short reply, but I know that he's got his own thoughts about these types of things.


'Nothing. Just that you're not making it easy on yourself, or on us.'


'She's never dated a girl before. Her healing style fits your tanking perfectly. What if she freaks out? What if she runs away? Then what? How long will it take for you to find a new healer for the guild?' He might sound like an ass, but he's right. I may want to date Fleur, but she's also part of our guild, a guild who also love to have her with them, and if I mess this up... it's not just me who will lose her. What will happen? Will I scare her off?

I put the phone away. Those are questions I do not want to think about. I know this. I already thought about these things. And I have no answer to them. I have no answer to any of those questions.

Because he's right.

I bump my head against the window and look outside, at the fields passing us by. I know I'm not just ruining one friendship if this goes bad. No matter how much I'd want this, her inexperience with girls means that it could go wrong very easily.

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