Chapter 8 - Alex

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Caster = a type of class that doesn't do physical attacks but instead relies on magical spells. A healer is a caster, generally, though they rely on healing, not damage attacks. But mages and bards are two types of caster DPS classes, they do magical attacks from a distance. Out of all the DPS classes, I suck least at playing a mage.

It's hot. It's way hotter than I expected it to be today and I'm glad I took a strappy top with me instead of just my t-shirt. I lean over the table, my head on my arms, it's too sticky to sit like this, but also too hot to keep sitting up, even in the shadows.

"Troy..." I don't even lift my head. "Get me something to drink, will you?"

"Why should I?" He puts his sweaty and hot hand on my bare skin on my back and I groan.

"Too hot."

"Well, yes, it's summer." I can almost hear the evil grin he's making at me. "Summer means hot."

"Summer is evil." I sit up, glaring at Troy. "Go get me something to drink. I'm your guild leader."

"Ah-hah." He raises his eyebrows as he pulls a face. "And I've known you since you were small enough to eat sand pies and were considering adding spiders to your diet."

"Ugh." I sigh. I don't want to get up, it's too hot to move. I'm hoping that it will be cooler when we go home in the evening.

"Hey, did you hear from Fleur this morning?"

I shake my head. "She had to work and didn't know if she could get out early. And it sounded like she didn't know if her mom would let her come anyway..." Which sucked. I really want to meet her, we've been spending so much time online that I really want to see her. But I get it. Meeting people from online is just not something that you'd normally do... Especially as a teen girl... Which I know, the only reason my parents allow me to come to gatherings like this is because Troy is with me. I don't know why, but somehow they trust him to protect me or something...

"Bummer. I know you really want to see her."

"Troy..." I glare at him. "Don't go there. I just have a lot of respect for her as a fellow female gamer and she's a great healer."

"Hmmm, hmmm. Keep telling yourself that. Keep telling yourself it's about respect and not something more primal." He grins and I kick at his leg. Which is way too much moving in this heat.

"Shut up." I groan and drop my head onto my arms again. It's too hot to argue with him today.

Troy's finally quiet for a while, but then I feel him move next to me, sit up straighter. "Eh, Alex?"

"What?" I'm not lifting my head up for some stupid question.

"I think she's here." Something in his voice tells me that he's not joking, unlike the ten times he's tried this same move this afternoon.

My heart starts beating like crazy and I look up. Okay, so may be I'm a bit more excited than I'd like to admit...

At the door there's a girl in a brightly coloured summer dress, her hand on her big sun hat as she lifts the front to look over the group. I can only stare at her. She's like a vision. She wasn't joking when she said that she loved flowers, her dress is covered in them and I can even see some flowers in her hat, which I think may even be real. I don't know, it would fit her to do that. She really is so much like her character, maybe not in actual looks, but definitely in the aura she gives off. I see her take a deep breath, nodding to herself, and walk over to Aaron, who's standing on his own at a table with drinks.

They chat for a moment and then Aaron looks our way, pointing at us. I'm not sure if I'm breathing anymore right now.

Fleur smiles and then comes over to us, but as she comes closer I see she has her eyes on Troy and my heart sinks. Fleur eyes me for a moment but then flashes a brilliant smile at Troy. "Hi, you're Alex, right? I'm Fleur."

Her Elysium (Flowers and Keyboards 1) {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now