Chapter 7 - Fleur

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Patch = update for the game. Usually this comes in two versions. The first one is weekly updates where they fix bugs and things like that and the second one is almost more of an upgrade than an update. These bigger patches often include more dungeons and things like that between big game expansions. One of the things often added during these are raids and end-game dungeons.

I'm bouncing my leg as I wait for Destruction of Elysium to update. Of course, it's the final day before the meet and the game needs to update even though I'm itching to log on... My final exam ended late and I got home right in time for dinner. But now I'm done. This was my final day before summer break and there's nothing I want more but to spend it with the guild.

I stand up, the update is going to take a while, walking downstairs and grabbing a cool bottle of fizzy drink from the fridge. Then I step out into the garden where my mom and dad are sitting, the plates of their desserts still on the table between them.

"Mom." I lean against the door.

"Yes?" She looks at me, her sunglasses reflecting me like a funny mirror.

"Do you know about tomorrow yet?" I try not to sigh, because that makes her annoyed, and when she's annoyed I'm not getting anything at all.

"This again?" She turns back. "Like I said. I don't know yet. I'm not sure if it's a good idea at all, you know that."

"I studied. I went to classes. I worked hard. I deserve some fun."

"Yes. You deserve fun. But why does it have to be with people you met online and you've never actually talked to? You can have fun with Hannah, Sydney or even that girl, Jade, from your work. Why do you have to look online for that?"

"I didn't look for them online. It's just other people who also play the game and we play together a lot. They're not scary or evil or whatever. We just wanna hang out in real life for once." We've been having this discussion every time that going to the meet comes up. "It's not like it's somewhere scary, they just rented the outside tables at a barbecue grill place and it's only an hour away by bus."

"You've got work tomorrow." Which is a lame excuse, as she tells me that I should go out with my friends, at least the ones she approves of, after work all the time.

"I wish you'd consider it." I turn back to the house, escaping. Because as long as she's not said 'no', there's still a chance for a 'yes', even though I know that the chance is slim. I make my way up the stairs and in my room, I see that the game wants me to log on again, which means that the update is finally finished.

Right on time...

I sit down and as soon as I appear in game, a message from Alex appears.

AlexTheDestroyer: Any news yet?

BelleFleur: No.

BelleFleur: I just wish she'd make up her mind. This is driving me crazy...

AlexTheDestroyer: Yeah...

AlexTheDestroyer: Anyway, how did your final exam go?

I laugh, sure, leave it to Alex to ask the hard questions first.

BelleFleur: I think I did well enough. You?

AlexTheDestroyer: Destroyed it.

I can't help the smile, a fuzzy feeling in my stomach, which happens every time he makes me laugh at one of his lame jokes.

BelleFleur: Right...

AlexTheDestroyer: Hey, you got any preference for drinks or snacks or whatever? Or anything you can't eat?

Her Elysium (Flowers and Keyboards 1) {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now