Chapter 12 - Alex

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Buff/Debuff = A common name in the MMORPG world to refer to status effects that are helpful (buff) or unhelpful (debuff), these are not specifically things that heal or do damage (which would be other types of spells) but more that they boost or undermine your character. Buffs are generally things like increased defence, increased speed, increased healing possibility and things like that. Debuffs are generally the reverse, so they make you more susceptible to damage, or lower your attack rate or your damage itself but sometimes it's something like being feared so your character will run away without your input or being turned to stone where you can't move at all. Buffs are awesome, debuffs suck, especially ones that the healer can't dispel.

This time, when the sound of the call comes through, I immediately recognise it for what it is. I jump out of the game, connect the call and jump back into the game.

"Hey!" Fleur sounds really excited. "Guess what?"

"What?" I laugh as I side-step a monster that is trying to attack me.

"My mom said yes to me going to the movies with you." She almost squeals and I don't know if she realises that herself.

"Awesome. My mom said it was fine too, but she wants to pick me up after. She doesn't want me to go back by bus or whatever." I grumble.

"Well, that makes them even. My mom wants to see you before we go see the movie."

I let out a short laugh. "Well, I guess it's not that bad. At least they're not insisting on coming with us."

"No. But my mom did say that we weren't allowed to go see an R-rated movie." Fleur sounds like she never would have even considered that.

"We could pretend that we are..." I try my best not to burst out laughing.

"No!" She sounds so horrified that I can't keep my laugh in anymore. She's quiet for a moment and then lets out a slight growl. "You're teasing me."

"Yes. Yes, I am." I keep laughing because she sounded so horrified by the idea, like it would have been the worst offence in the world to her. "Sorry."

"Meany." I can hear the pout in her voice.

"Sorry. Better you know this now than later." I take a few deep breaths, stopping the laughing, but I can't help the smile when I imagine the way she's looking right now.

"I can't believe..." She lets out a deep sigh. "You're mean."

"No, I have a wicked sense of humour." I think anyway.

"Same thing."

"Awh. I'll make it up to you. There is something in your in-game inbox. If you haven't seen it yet." Which she probably hasn't because I didn't see her come online in Elysium yet.

"What is it?" I get why she may be a little suspicious.

"You'll see. It's good." It is. It's an item we need for the quest line for the next raid.

"Fine. Give me a second." I see her come online, and I wait as she hunts down a mailbox to get her item. "What?! How did you..."

"Found it." Sort of.

"These are like... totally hard to get."

"I had time. And I was waiting for a different item to drop anyway." For the preparation quest for the new raid, we need to collect some crystals of different drop rates in the final three end-game dungeons, and somehow I got lucky getting two of the lowest drop rate crystals, so hardest to get, while trying to get one of the medium-difficulty drop rate.

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