Chapter 4 - Alex

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Healer = Person who makes sure that the rest of us don't die in battle. Their primary target to heal is the tank, though they should always make sure that they don't die themselves. A dead tank can be raised from the dead, a dead healer means a wipe for the whole party. Not as much fun... So I guess, target zero should be themselves and other healers, and then their primary targets the tanks. When a tank and a healer fit together well, when their play styles match, that's one of the best things in the world.

I sit back in my chair as I wait for Fleur to return and the rest of the players to finally settle down so that we can jump in as soon as possible. Then a private message pops up.

BelleFleur: I don't think I can do this...

BelleFleur: I'm just going to get you wiped a hundred times until everyone's tired of me.

AlexTheDestroyer: We've all been in that same place, that first time to run a raid.

AlexTheDestroyer: Don't worry about it. It'll be fine.

BelleFleur: It just seems like so much.

I laugh, yeah, I know. And as a tank, it's not as hard for me as it will be for her, especially the raid we're going to run, it has a good number of healer checks, elements that will put out a huge amount of damage on the whole party that the healers will have to heal through.

AlexTheDestroyer: Which part?

BelleFleur: All of it.

AlexTheDestroyer: Well, you'll only know if you try. As long as you know the mechanics you need to keep an eye on, you'll be fine.

BelleFleur: Don't hate me if I get us wiped a hundred times.

AlexTheDestroyer: We'll just start over a hundred-and-one times and get through it. We've got all evening to do this.

Most of us have anyway, and I know that the other people won't mind wiping a few times because we have a new healer. It happens, that's part of the game. And having another endgame healer to work with for dungeons and raids is something that we all want, we're willing to mess up a few times for it.

AlexTheDestroyer: We're starting in 20 minutes, are you ready?

BelleFleur: What if I say no?

AlexTheDestroyer: You have 20 minutes to prepare.

I can't help but laugh at Fleur. I get her fear, running this for the first time, especially with people who have already done this a good amount of times, is scary, but we really all have been in that same situation. And the way I've seen her play this afternoon, I think she'll be fine at least after she's ran it for the first time and gets some confidence in her skills.

BelleFleur: I'll be right back.

I turn the group voice chat on and it's already quite crowded in there. "Hi everyone. Ready to go?"

Multiple people respond with different variations on "Yes", "Definitely" and "Can we go yet?".

"We're just waiting for the last few members to come online, and I haven't heard from the other guild leaders yet, but they should be checking in soon." I look through the text chat in the program to see if the other guild leaders are online yet. Tonight we're running a raid with three guilds, a large party each. A normal party is five people, but a large party is ten, so double that, and then three guilds... It's always a little chaotic the first ten minutes.

Then one of the other guild leaders comes online, messaging me though the chat program. 'We're almost ready to go. You ready there?'

'Almost.' I check in-game again, but Fleur hasn't returned yet. 'Waiting on a new healer. Hasn't run this raid yet, so may need extra support.'

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