Chapter 1 - Fleur

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Author note: If this story looks familiar to you, it might be because it used to be available on Tapas before, or because you've come across it elsewhere. Her Elysium used to be available on Tapas between 2017 (when I started posting it) and 2021 (when my account accidentally got deleted). It has since then been polished and published in ebook and paperback, but I'm now uploading the original (2017) chapters to Wattpad for free. A 'new' chapter will release every Wednesday.
You can also support me on Ream (it's like Patreon but specifically for authors) and not only read 6 chapters ahead of Wattpad, but also read the final published version instead of the originally uploaded chapters.

Now, onto the story!

MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game = A world where you can be who you want and don't have to be yourself. Levelling up doesn't happen by year, but by gaining experiences. If I lived in a world like that, I wouldn't be sixteen, I'd be level thirty by now.

As soon as I come through the front door, I step out of my favourite high heeled boots and make my way to the kitchen. The house is quiet, but I'm sure Mom is actually at home. And, sure enough, she's standing in the doorway to the living room waiting for me, her hands on her hips.

"Fleur..." Uh-oh, I don't like that voice.

"Yes?" I turn to the fridge. It's Friday, weekend, time to get ready to game all evening.

"Can you look my way?" Because, of course.

I turn, in one hand a bag of chips I just snatched from the counter. "Yes?"

"Don't forget you have to work tomorrow. And we're having dinner at six." She sighs, apparently whatever she was going to say wasn't that important.

"I know." It's not like I don't know I have to work tomorrow. I've only been the shop assistant at the flower shop since last winter, it's only three weeks until summer break now. "Anything else?" Because she's not leaving the kitchen yet.

"Are you going out with friends tonight?" She dawdles.


"I ran into Hannah's mom at the store today. She said that you're never going out with them on Friday anymore. I thought that you said that there wasn't anything to do on Fridays." Oh, great. That...

"They know that Friday evenings are for video games. I go out with them on Saturday." I turn to the fridge and pull out a bottle of some all-natural fizzy drink. I'm not sure exactly what Mom thinks is so good about these 'all-natural' drinks, they're still sugary and fizzy, which is all I really want from them anyway. But it probably makes her feel better about letting me drink this on the weekends.

"You and your video games... When are you going to do something social? Like meeting your friends?"

Do I really have to have this argument every week? "I'm going out with them tomorrow. You don't want me drunk twice every weekend, do you?" The words slip out, they popped into my mind and seemed to instantly transport to my tongue, I didn't mean to speak them.

"What?" I know how to push her buttons though. "What do you mean, drunk? You're not drinking alcohol when you're going out, are you?"

Me? I can barely keep myself from laughing. No, alcohol and I aren't friends, even if I'm technically too young to drink it. "I'm not. But that doesn't mean that other girls aren't." I take my loot upstairs as I hear the frantic moving of my mom through the house. She's going to be obsessed with that idea for a while. Good. Not that my friends drink, at least, not when I'm around or when we're out to parties. But getting my control obsessed mom scared about the idea gives me some time to myself.

Her Elysium (Flowers and Keyboards 1) {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now