Chapter 10 - Alex

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Melee = A type of class who does primarily or exclusively physical close-range damage. Think about a boxer hitting someone in the face or a knight cleaving someone with his sword. That kind of stuff. While with casters, you're basically always under threat of getting hit, with these guys, you need to get into range of their weapons (or their fists) to get hit.

I watch Fleur drive off with her mother, and, for a moment, I don't want to return to the party just yet. Watching her leave, seeing her get into that car and drive away, it makes my chest tighten, even though I know I'll see her soon again. How did this happen? I take a deep breath, looking around for a moment. How did I fall for that girl even more, especially when she looked at me and smiled, when we laughed together about both having ADHD. I don't know what, but I feel like this may be something special.

"Alex." Cerise is standing a little while off.

"Hey." I put my phone away, turning to Cerise, waiting for her to reach me.

"And?" She smiles and I know she worries about me.

"I think we're having a date next week." I can barely believe it myself.

"A date?" Cerise's eyebrows rise.

"Okay, we're going to see a movie together. But it could be a date." I lick my lips. "She's... really special." I feel that tightening again, and at the same time a flutter in my stomach. "I really like her."

"I can see that. Everyone can see that." Cerise laughs softly. "She seemed interested too, though she may not have realised it herself."

I nod. "Maybe. We exchanged numbers, so I'll see, I guess." Just then, my phone buzzes and I take it. When I unlock the screen, I see it's a picture from Fleur. It's from her shoulder, where she pulled the strap of her dress to the side and you can obviously see that she got a sunburn today. I let out a laugh.

Then I get another message from Fleur. 'So red. That's going to burn!'

I reply quickly. 'Looks like it hurts. Take care of it!'

'Will do. You also make sure you take care of yours.' Yeah, I guess I may have gotten a sunburn too, especially since we sat so near each other most of the day.

"You're in so deep." Cerise's voice is soft. "Don't get hurt."

I nod. "I'll try." Then I look back at the rest of the group. "Let's see if we can stir up some trouble together." I grin. It's not a guild meet without us doing something stupid.

"Good idea." Cerise walks in front of me. "Wouldn't want to disappoint the masses."


It's already late by the time I finally get home, but I still turn on the computer. Some part of me hopes that Fleur will be online. Even though I have no idea if she will be. She hasn't sent me another message yet, but I also was really busy at the meet, so that's not totally on her.

As soon as I log on, I do get a purple message.

BelleFleur: You're here!

AlexTheDestroyer: Yeah. Checking in a little.

Hoping to see you. Though I don't type the last bit.

BelleFleur: It was so cool today!

BelleFleur: I never expected there to be so many different types of people.

AlexTheDestroyer: Gamers really are all different. Yeah.

I lean back in the chair, exhaustion settling in.

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