Chapter 23

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My face was still bruised from yesterday, I had a scar on my eyebrow and one on my upper lip, I didn't heal fully but at least I don't feel pain anymore. What I don't understand is why would my mom let me go to school after all that happened.

The driver parked in front of the school and I tried to open my door but it was locked, I sighed and watched him get out of the car and open it for me.

"Thank you" I said and put my hood on, I kept my head down and walked inside. I could feel a few eyes on me but I didn't bother looking at them. I went straight to class.

I sat down and laid my head on the table, I could hear classmates whispering about how weird I was acting these humans love gossip.

"Aurora?" Raven called and put her hand on my back rubbing it gently.

"Are you okay?" I hummed and kept my head on the table. I heard her take her seat since the teacher walked in, he started his lesson and I felt my eyes start to close almost ready to fall asleep.

"Miss Falcon?" He called and I pretended I didn't hear him.

"Miss Falcon!" I sighed and sat up straight to look at him,

"Can you take off your hood and focus?" I nodded since I didn't want him to bother me again and pushed the hood off my head. Now the whispers got louder when they saw my face and all I wanted was to go home and sleep.

About half an hour through the class the glares were getting too much, they were making me upset.

"Sir? Can I go wash my face?" He looked at me for a moment before nodding slowly, I got up and left the classroom. These humans make me wanna bury myself alive.

I stood in front of the mirror with had in the school bathroom and huffed, I was going to have these scars for the rest of my life. I took off my hood to look at my arms, I wasn't topless I was in a black tank top. I had a huge scar around my biceps and forearms, where the chain was wrapped.

The door suddenly opened and..

"Oh my god" I heard Daisy say, I looked at her through the mirror and she was staring at my arms.

"Aurora what happened?" She asked and came closer, I didn't answer and just grabbed my hoodie so I can leave but Daisy grabbed my wrist and made me turn to look at her. Her eyes were filled with worry, her fingers brushed against my arms my body unconsciously reacted to her touch relaxing a bit.

"I'm fine" I whispered avoiding to look at her face, she was beautiful, but I couldn't look at her I was ashamed, embarrassed I don't know I just felt weak. Her hand touched my cheek and I found myself leaning on it, the comfort she gives me is unbelievable, she somehow makes me feel safe.

"No you're not, so please tell me what happened to you" she almost begged, she was so close and her perfume was wrapping me putting me in daze and I couldn't have that happen, I couldn't stay close so I put my hand over hers and gently pulled it away from my face.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine" I put my hoodie on and made my way out of the bathroom, I had to focus on what's going on. What happened with Daisy is in the past, I had to get over it, I had to accept the fact that she'll never see me more than a friend.

During break I sat down in my usual table, I didn't feel like drinking or eating anything. I saw Jasey, Raven and V making their way to me I readied myself for the tons of questions they're about to ask.

"Bro what the fuck happened to your face?" Jasey asked and sat down next to me, I groaned and dropped my head down on the table.

"Eh no, you're not about to hide. You better tell us what happened" V said and pulled my head back making me look up at her, she scanned it staring at the scars I had.

"I snuck out yesterday to go to Trevor's party and when I went back I was jumped" I explained simply, she raised her eyebrow at me waiting for me to explain more. I sighed and rolled my eyes, she won't drop it unless I tell her.

"They were werewolves, they had this magic water that they put on their hands before punching me, it won't let me heal. It also can kill if it's injected into a vampire's body" I laid my head on V's shoulder who was on my left, they all stayed quiet staring at each other with worry and probably millions of questions in their heads.

"I'm fine, my mom is gonna deal with it"

"What about the baby? Is she okay?" Raven asked making me look at her confused, how is this woman always up to date? How does she know everything?

"Don't look at me like that, how is the baby doing?" She asked this time her heart was going crazy in her chest, her face was serious and she was on the verge of blowing up.

"What? How do you know about this Raven? Nobody knows about this except V and I'm so sure she didn't tell anyone" I never thought the day where I'll start suspecting Raven will ever come but after all that's been happening I realized she knew more than I thought she did. Which is dangerous.

"Raven, I'm gonna ask you one more time.." I leaned forward to get closer to her since she was seated on the other side of the table.

" do you know about the baby" I whispered, she tried to get up but I grabbed her by her shirt and made her sit down. I heard a low growl coming from my right and I felt Jasey glaring at me. I let go of Raven and sighed.

"Raven please, this could literally cause all of our extinction...they can kill us now. And I'm not about to risk losing my family for a little secret you're keeping from me" Raven's eyes were so red, she was holding her tears in but she didn't crack she took a deep breath and stood up from the table and left.

"You didn't have to be so rough on her" Jasey said and followed after her, I huffed rubbing my face in frustration. This was getting into my head.

"She is acting suspicious though, I see why you'd react that way" V said and I nodded mentally thanking her for agreeing with me. I had to tell me mom about Raven, we need to keep an eye on her.

"Just be nicer to the omega next time, her pack would die for her. Or at least that's what my pack would do." Omega, hold on...Raven was a wolf as well?!

"Why am I the last person to know about this?! Hello?! Is Aurora not trust worthy enough to tell?!" V chuckled and stood up, she grabbed me by the hood and pulled me to class with her.

"Well, we wouldn't be doing a good job at hiding if we just go around telling everybody" she said as we both made our way inside the building.

"Your mom probably knows by now"

"Of course she does"

The rest of the day went slower than expected, everything was so boring because all I was thinking about was going back home. V told me her and Matthew spoke about the neighboring pack, where Raven is from and told me the leader wasn't a nice guy, he was full of himself and will kill for fun. And that made me think, was Raven a spy? Did he send her to spy on me and my family?

Hmm what do think? Is Raven a spy? Is she a bad person? Or is she just misunderstood?



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