Chapter 7

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"Do I know you?"

Next to me sat a dark haired woman, locks so black you'd miss them in the dark, her grey eyes stared back at me intensely, curiosity spilling out of them.

"Verena" the girl said giving me her hand to shake, I sat up from the laying position I was in and gave her hand a suspicious look before holding it in mine.


"I know" she said with a smile, it was genuine I could tell. But something about her was off, I didn't understand if she was good or bad, she was just...there.

"You go to school with Trevor, right? That's where I know you from, he won't stop talking about you" she explained her previous answer, I still couldn't get my eyes off of her. What is it about this girl that's setting me off, she was beautiful I admit, but she had this dark powerful aura around her that I couldn't explain.

"You're also trespassing, I thought Jasey made it clear we don't like to share our territories" I understood what she meant by that but I was too focused on trying to figure out who she was and if she was related to Trevor.

"You and Trevor are related?" I asked curiously, completely ignoring what she just told me. She raised one eyebrow at my question before nodding her head.

"He's my brother, twins, but not identical"

"Yeah sure, I've know Trevor since sophomore and he never mentioned having a none identical twin sister." I leaned back to stare at the sky again and chuckled. I know everybody loved Trevor so much, but not to the point where they'd wanna be related to him.

"It's because he's too embarrassed and full of himself to tell everyone his sister is stronger, smarter and hotter than him" she's too full of herself too, she brushed her long hair out of her face giving me a better look at her sharp jawline and high cheekbones.

"So you're a wolf too. And so is Trevor?" She clicked her tongue answering my question without having to use her words.

"That's interesting, I think your...leader? Or whoever is in charge should meet with my mother." My mother hates trespassers too, she hates anything that could be a threat to us or to our kind.

"Our Alpha, Mathew as everyone calls him. He's in charge." I nodded at her answer, my sensitive ears caught a sound, a voice. Laughing, giggling, it was Daisy's voice. Who was making her laugh that hard?

"I- gotta go, I'll see you around Verena" I got up and jumped down from the rooftop lading perfectly on my feet, I dusted my pants and went inside the house following Daisy's scent to the backyard.

Around a beer pong table everyone was laughing, the humans were drunk, Jasey had her arm around Raven's shoulder with their fingers intertwined, as for Daisy you may be wondering, well she was laying her head against Max's chest while he had his arms around her body.

"Aurora!" Trevor called my name but I didn't bother to turn and answer him, I kept staring between Max and Daisy.

"Come play with us, Max and I against you and..." He looked around for someone to be on my team for a game I didn't even want to be apart of.

"I'll join" everybody turned to look at the owner of that voice.

"Verena" Trevor said sounding so annoyed and done with her. The girl walked closer to where I was standing, and pulled me closer to the table.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, seemed to catch Daisy's attention, her eyes fell on Verena's hand that was around my bicep then back at me with a face full of questions. I watched her pull herself away from Max's arms not once taking her eyes off of me.

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