Chapter 17

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It's been a few hours since Lola left the pack territory, I took V to the infirmary so she can get treated. Turned out she had a broken rib from slamming into the tree but other than that she was fine.

"Why did you do that V? Lola would never think about taking your spot. She's too invested with my sister, she wants to start a family and focus on her teaching job. She could've killed you today" I said to my friend, we were sitting in her room she had her head down while holding her side in pain.

"I was on survival mode, I wouldn't know where to go or what to do if this was taken away from me." She sounded so desperate and scared, for the first time V was crying, I never thought I'd see the day V would cry.

"It's okay, Lola is a good person. She'll never come after you or Trevor, she might even understand your actions" I gently rubbed her back and she just kept her head down not looking at me.

"I'm so sorry Aurora, I was so scared. I don't wanna lose my home" she whispered in barely a whisper,

"It's time to go" my aunt suddenly appeared in front of V's open bedroom door, she wasn't smiling and that only meant she wasn't in the mood, I gave my friend a hug and kissed her head before following after aunt Dal.

"Where's Lola and Sam, Daisy too?" I asked her, I looked around for my sister and Lola but I couldn't find any of them. My mom was talking to Matthew while my momma was walking with Margaret making their way to our cars.

"They left already, we'll meet them at the house. Daisy is in the car waiting for you, I'll be riding with Lilith." My aunt ruffled my hair before making her way to my mom who was shaking Matthew's hand.

I have to face Daisy again, I think it's settled that me and her would never be anything but friends. I should work on myself, and work on getting over her. Maybe her moving out was a good idea after all.

"Hey" she whispered when I got in the car, I preferred not to answer her and just started the car.

"I'm sorry" she said again, but I didn't answer to this one either. I drove behind our guards' car in silence pretending she doesn't exist, even though my soul was aching for her, begging to give in and look at her but I couldn't. I couldn't keep doing this to myself.

"So you're just going to ignore m-"

"What?! What do you want from me Daisy?! what?!" I snapped, I slammed my foot on the brakes making her jolt forward. I stopped the car and turned to face her, just to find her staring at me in surprise, I've never in my life yelled at her like this but I couldn't hold it.

"Do you want my heart to play with more?! I don't have it, I don't have a fuckin heart because you already took it, you destroyed it Daisy. You fucked it up, I'm so tired, I'm so done of pretending that I don't feel anything for you. I like you, I love you, I love you so much but it's killing me.. it's torturing me.." by now my tears were already streaming down my cheeks like waterfalls,

"In the depths of my nonexistent heart I feel the love, I feel the passion, the need to be with you to be close to you, and it hurts so much, it pains me to watch you laugh and smile and touch Max while I'm there longing for you.." I was bawling my eyes out for her, it's so sad to see a friendship just go to waste because I couldn't contain myself.

"Please say something, anything..." I begged, but she just stared at her hands with a guilty face. It felt like I'm giving her my hand to hold on to but she ignored its existence, I wish she could just give me my closure, I wish she could just tell me how she feels so I can either move on or fight for this.

"This is wrong, you shouldn't have said this to me.." I heard her mumble, it was clear as a morning sky, she knew what she was saying.

"Me telling you how I feel is wrong?" I asked confused,

" feeling that way, is wrong" I stared at her dumbfounded, in disbelief, not finding the words to express my disappointment and heartbreak, she was invalidating my feelings.

"I'm your friend, I'm like your sister" 

"No you're not, you're not! we're not related! And we'll never be!" I thought communication was going to solve our arguments but no, it was making them worse, I should've stayed quiet than to live and see the day where she calls me her sister to my face.

"Well, sisters don't look at each other the way we do! Sisters don't think about kissing each other! And sisters most definitely do not think about fuckin each other Daisy!" After I said that we both sat there in deafening silence. She didn't look at me this whole time, her eyes were hidden behind her long hair and she was fidgeting with her fingers.

She wasn't trying to say something, or tell me how she feels, she wasn't trying to figure out what's going on, she wasn't making any effort to help me solve this mess. She just sat there, staring down at the ground. That's when I knew, this was never a good idea from the beginning and I just ruined a seven years friendship over some stupid feelings.

"Goodbye, Daisy. I hope you find love, I hope you find what you're looking for. Because from this moment, I don't know you, and you don't know me, we never met and we never had a childhood together." I got out the cat and threw the car keys on the seat, I slammed the door shut and walked back towards the pack house knowing I was going to find my mom's car on the way there.

Oh feelings...

The further I walked, the heavier my feet felt, the painful my chest felt, it hurts so bad..
I have a hate love relationship with feelings..

They make you want to run away, to get away from all this heartache. But when they're good, they make you want to feel everything, the love, the passion, the desire. Seeing how my parents look at each other you could see the love pouring out of their eyes. It makes me so jealous.

Feelings make you do things you never imagined you'd be doing, one smile and you're floating, hypnotized, feelings teach you how to forgive, feelings teach you how to be patient but feelings also kill you slowly, feelings make you lose yourself, feelings break you from the inside and out.

I can't do feelings anymore, I can't do this to myself, I'll do anything for Daisy for sure but she's not willing to do anything for me.

As expected, I saw the headlights of my mom's car in front of me, by the time she got out of the car I was on the verge of falling to my knees, I've never seen my moms so worried.

"Aurora?" My mom Lilith caught me before I could hit the ground. She didn't care about dirtying her dress or ruining her coat, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her chest.

"What's wrong baby?" She whispered gently, I felt like a kid all over again, my mom brushing my hair back and softly kissing my temple while I held on to her for comfort crying my heart on her chest. My momma was next to her shushing me softly to try and calm me down with her hand on my back caressing it in a motherly way.

"I don't wanna be here anymore, mom. It hurts so bad, it's ripping me apart, please take me away" I begged, my mom sighed in defeat and helped me up to my feet. My momma held my face in her hands with a worried look, her thumbs wiped my tears away and she smiled.

"You're gonna be okay" she whispered reassuringly but deep down I didn't know if she was telling me the truth, I didn't believe her words, I didn't believe I would be okay.

I was crying hysterically that I didn't even notice both my aunts were out the car as well,  staring at me with worry in their eyes. I looked away and kept my head down then got in the car with them, I just want to get away from her.

Sad 😢 lol



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