Chapter 22

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I started my bike and drove away, feeling a bit uneasy like I'm being watched. I could see some car's headlights in front of me but I didn't pay it any attention it was probably some teenagers going to the party as well.

That's until  it started driving straight towards me, I tired to deviate from it but everything happened so quickly, the car hit the front of my bike sending me flying off into the road. Good thing I wasn't human, I would've died or gotten seriously injured.

I groaned and quickly stood up, some men got out of the car and they were all dressed in black just like the guys from the party. Another car stopped and the men from the party came out of it. What is going on? What do they want?

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked keeping my eyes focused on them, so I don't get jumped by anyone. One of the guys came closer with a mischievous smirk and tried to reach for me so I punched him making him stumble back and fall.

"We want the wolf pup" one of them said, they all started approaching me. I can probably take all of them on a good day, so I got ready to fight. They swarmed me like a pack of dogs, I hit, punched and kicked whoever was next to me. I grabbed one by his neck and twisted it killing him without hesitation.

One of them took out a chain, I don't know what he was going to do with it, hit me or wrap it around me. When he threw it my way I caught it with my hand and I didn't know why or how but it started burning my skin.

I winced and let go of it, what? He took advantage of that and swung it wrapping the chain around my body. The feeling was horrible, excruciating, I felt my skin burn and I winced trying to pull it away from me but it only hurt my hands. I dropped on my knees from the pain and he came closer to me.

"An old friend of ours left us a gift before your dear mother killed him" he said and snapped his fingers, one of the guys brought him a little flask, he opened it and poured some on his knuckles. He smiled creepily and punched me hard, I felt my lip burn, it was probably wounded.

"That pup belongs to us, consider this as warning. Tell your kind to bring me that pup tomorrow night or this won't be the last time you see me" he punched me again harder than the last time, I felt something wet slide down over my eye blocking my vision.

He grabbed my face and gave it a little tap before smiling again.

"Say hi to your mother for me" he unchained me and pushed me on my back before they all rushed to their cars taking the dead guy with them and drove away. I was breathing heavily from the pain I was feeling all over my body, I touched my lip and eyebrow feeling the open wounds and sat there confused on why they didn't close yet.

I got up barely able to walk to my wrecked bike, I picked it up from the ground and tried to start it, thankfully after a few tries it did. I'd love to explain this to my mother, first me sneaking out and now this.

It took me a while to reach my house, I noticed my mom's car parked in our driveway. I cursed under my breath and dropped my bike, I watched the door open and my mother walked out, she looked angry and ready to yell at me that's until she saw the state I was in.

"Oh my god" I heard her whisper and in a second she was in front of me, holding my face in her hands. I winced and pulled my head back.

"What the hell happened Aurora? Why aren't you healing?!" She asked worriedly, at the soud of my mother's distressed voice my momma came out of the house as well. Her eyes widened in horror and she as well came to me.

"They want the pup, they said if you don't give her back this won't be the last time they show up" I explained, my moms helped me inside the house and took me to the living room to sit down. I slowly pulled my hoodie off of my head and I heard my mom gasp, I looked down at my arms and they both had burn marks.

"He had this weird looking water, liquid, I don't know. He poured it on his hand, and I think the chain he wrapped around me was made with it since it burnt my hands" I showed her my palms and they were all red from holding the chain.

"For gods sake Aurora! Why did you leave the house?! Didn't I say you're not allowed?!" My mom yelled at me, I kept my head down feeling my tears fill my eyes. I heard her sigh and walk back in forth around the room.

"Do you remember what they look like?" She asked, I nodded.

"Jasey said they're from a neighboring pack" my mom stopped pacing and looked at me with a hard look.

"Vivienne call Matthew, I'm gonna call Dalida" my mom disappeared leaving me and my momma alone in the room.

"Why did you sneak out, Aurora? You could've died." My momma sighed and gently rubbed my leg, I couldn't talk because I didn't know what to say other than apologize.

"I'm sorry" she sighed and cut her palm, she brought it closer to my lips pouring a few drops of her blood into my mouth. Honestly, I felt a bit better, the pain was slowly fading away but the scars on my hands and arms didn't go away.

"Am I gonna be scarred forever?" I asked my momma,

"I don't know baby, hopefully not" she went to grab a wet towel and started cleaning my face from the blood. I leaned my head back on the couch and let out a shaky sigh.

"They want war, war they shall get" I heard my mom say behind us, I closed my eyes and listened to my parents talk. I just want this to end.

About an hour later, my sister and Lola showed up. I was still in the same spot, my sister gasped and came to sit down next to me. She brushed her fingers over my scars with a worried look.

"What happened to you?" She asked, I looked at the baby in her arms who didn't have a clue what's going on, she was just a baby and these bad people were coming after her. I wonder what they want from her.

"They're coming for her" I whispered, Lola stood in front of me looking at me confused.

"What do you mean? Who's coming for her?"

"They used this thing on me, this water that didn't let me heal. It can make us feel pain, it can hurt our kind" I explained to them, Lola looked at my mom for a moment before looking back at me.

"Was it transparent?" She asked and I nodded answering her question.

"That's how Eliza..died. Louis Clark used this thing called antidote and Eliza got it injected into her body. That's how she died" Lola said making everyone in the room look at her, I sighed and laid back down taking a deep breath.

This is a mess. I couldn't help but think that all this is my fault.

"Aurora darling, it's not your fault." My momma said from the other side of the room like she knew exactly what I was thinking, it kinda is. I shouldn't have left.

"It was gonna happen sooner or later" she said again, I just nodded and laid my head on Sam's shoulder wincing a bit when the wound on my cheek touched her.

"Lola and Sam, you girls stay. I'm gonna have extra guards watching over the house.." my mom ordered,

"Vivienne darling, you always have a guard or two when going to work."

"And Aurora.." I heard my mom call my name so I opened my eyes to look at her. I was feeling so bad for disappointing her and making her worry, I didn't mean for all of this to happen.

"Yes mom?"

"You go to school and you come back straight home, no more practice" she said sternly, I was gonna quit hockey anyway.

I just want this to end already...

Another update, I hope you enjoyed it!



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