Chapter 8

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For the next few days, Daisy has been giving me the attitude and it was starting to annoy me. I just don't understand how we went for communicating how we feel to not talking for days.

It feels like being in a Toxic relationship where we only realize the other exists when we really need them, I don't even know what happened to our friendship. I wish I can fix it but I can't do it on my own, I can't make effort alone, I can't keep seeing her in a way that she doesn't see me in, I can't look at her beautiful face and wish I could kiss it every morning.

Daisy walked in the kitchen still not looking at me, she made her way to the fridge leaning down to pick up whatever she wanted. She was wearing shorts and when she...bent down..god.

I quickly looked down at my phone and pretended not to see her. It was a Saturday morning and Raven is usually with her parents so I can't call her to hangout, Jasey didn't give me her number so I don't know how to contact her. So that leaves me with...


I pulled out the business card she gave me and stared at the name and phone number, Verena Davis. I could feel someone's eyes on me, and that someone being Daisy. But two can play this game, she pretended I didn't exist and now it's my turn. Even though, all I wanna do is look at her eyes and hold her in my arms.

I added Verena to my contacts, and was about to call her when Daisy finally spoke.

"Can I talk to you?" She said while staring at me with those piercing yellow eyes, seeing her take a sip of her water and watching the droplets slide down her chin and neck made me tighten my grip on my phone to the point I almost broke it.

"Yeah? What's up?" I tried to act cool, Daisy took a step forward closer to me but not too close, just enough for me to breathe normally without looking like a nervous wreck.

"So..ehm, I was just wondering if you're available today." She asked softly, pushing her red hair behind her ear, wishing it was me touching and feeling it on my fingers.

"Depends on who's asking" I folded my arms in front of me and waited for an answer, Daisy gave me a weird look before rolling her eyes, as if she didn't want to talk anymore. She took a step back from me and sighed loudly.

"Nevermind, I'll call Max" her words stabbed my chest harshly, not just stab, stabbed and twisted the fuck out of that knife. She didn't leave the kitchen yet, she just stared at me waiting for a reaction. I unlocked my phone and pressed the call button.

Daisy stared at me in disbelief but still didn't walk away.


"Hey, it's Aurora. This is Verena's number, right?" I asked, I heard a raspy chuckle from the other side of the line and I knew it was Verena talking.

"Aurora, are you still coming to the house? Mathew was asking about you" the conversation only made Daisy's facial expressions change, confusion, disbelief, anger.

The woman stormed out of the kitchen making me sigh in relief. She makes me so fuckin nervous..and mad.

"I still didn't talk to my mom, but that's not the reason why I called." I got off the counter and left the kitchen. I still didn't know what to do or where to go, I was bored.

"Oh so this is a personal matter" she joked, I made my way outside to my car.

"I just wanna hangout. I'm bored, but if you're busy it's okay." I started the car and drove away, no idea where I'm going, I just wanted to be away from everything.

"I heard that you skate, I do too. If that gives you an idea on where I'm going with this" I sat there dumbfounded, confused and surprised, she skates too? How did she know I skate? Did Raven or Jasey tell her back at the party? Or was it Trevor?

"You're weird" I blurted out without realizing, but that only made her laugh.

"Don't act like your family doesn't do the same, protection and safety is what matters. Knowing who you talk to and hanging out with is very important" Verena explained, it's true my mother makes sure everyone around us has a clean background or at least isn't dangerous enough to endanger us.

"But we don't go around telling people we know who they are and what they do" I argued,

"Whatever, meet me in the school rink in 15" the line cut off, this bitch really hung up on me. I put the phone on the passenger seat and drove towards our school, it wasn't really that far so it was there in less than ten minutes.

I whistled a random song that's been stuck in my head since I woke up this morning while making my way to the lockers. I grabbed my skates and left, I noticed a figure seated on one of the benches, she was putting on her skates.

"Hey" I said with a smile, Verena looked up at me mirroring my smile. She was wearing everything black, leggings hoodie, even the skates were black.

"Hi" she said and stood up, she entered rink skating around smoothly. I put my skates on, that Daisy got me, and followed after her.

"So you've been having problems with your little girlfriend" she said with a smirk on her face,

"She's girlfriend" I mumbled looking straight ahead avoiding her grey eyes.

"I heard she was with that human, her partner I assume"

"Skating partner" I corrected her, I hope that's all they are. I hope she's not really in a relationship with him because that'll break me.

"Sure, Aurora. Whatever helps you sleep at night" Verena sped up skating backwards before doing a double toe loop, she waved for me to come closer. She was skating backwards still, she grabbed my hands and put them on her hips.

"Let's get you ready for that girlfriend of yours, that human boy got nothing on you" she said with a genuine smile,

"What do you mean ready? She has him, I can't take his place" the wind was hitting our face at high speed but I was loving it, the feeling of freedom was something I adored.

"Let's do a twist lift" she demanded, I tightened my grip around her hips and made sure she was in place, Verena nodded her head and she jumped so I can pick her up and push her in the air, she did a double twist and fell right into my hands. The move was flawless even though I've never done it before.

"See, you just need a little trust in yourself" she patted my head like I was some type of puppy who learned a new trick.

"Don't. Pet me" she rolled her eyes ignoring my request and skated away, I followed after her trying to keep up with her.

"I'm gonna turn, lift me up then hold me in place by putting the palm of your hand on my lower back. Try to keep me in the air while skating" we were skating her back to my front with my hands resting on her hips.

"On three, one..two..." I picked her up my palm pushing against her lower back, I made sure I was balanced and had a good grip on her, we stayed like that for a second then without waiting for her to tell me our next move I grabbed her waist with my other hand and pushed up in a millisecond she understood what I wanted to do and twisted her body, I caught her and put her down on her feet.

"That was a good one" she tapped my head making me roll my eyes at her, she chuckled and started doing some slides and turns while I just followed along.

This really took my mind off of everything...

I'm not a figure skater as you can obviously see, BUT I am trying my best to make the scenes as realistic as possible.



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