Chapter 6

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During the whole ride back home I didn't say a word to Daisy, Raven was in the backseat playing on her phone trying to ignore the awkward tension between me and Daisy.

Raven was going to get ready at our place for Trevor's party tonight, I was starting to regret ever accepting his invitation but in that moment I was upset with Daisy and I wanted to get her attention by doing something she knows I don't like.

When we arrived to our driveway my mom was getting out of her car, she must've worked a little late today.

"Hey girls" she greeted us with a smile, I could see Raven shifting weight from one foot to another nervously and I could hear her heart going crazy in her chest, and that made me roll my eyes so hard. Not Raven too.

"Hello Raven, how are you doing sweetheart?" My mom smiled at the short girl next to me, and I shit you not, I heard her heart skip a beat. Is this girl in love with my mom or something? No, is everyone in love with my mom??

"H-hi" she stuttered, my mom always pretends not to see or notice when people get flustered around her but she does enjoy watching them fall apart under her stares.

"How was practice?" She asked me while we all made our way inside the house, I didn't know if I should make it obvious that Daisy and I did not practice skating like we agreed or just pretend everything is fine.

"It was great, though I found out something very important that I think you should know" with Jasey's situation and her being a werewolf, it could get a little out of hand if the wrong people find out. My mom would know what to do about this to keep everyone safe.

I gave Daisy a quick look so she can pull Raven so she doesn't hear the conversation and she understood the assignments. She grabbed Raven's wrist, Raven who by the way, was still giving my mom heart eyes, then dragged her upstairs.

"Silly kid" my mom commented on Raven's behavior.

"Today at practice, this teammate hit me in the face with a puck.." I followed after my mom to the kitchen where she grabbed an empty glass and filled it up with fresh blood from the fridge.

"Well you know I can't terrorize little kids anymore your mother has forbidden m-"

"No no it's not about that mom" she took a sip of her drink and waited for me to continue.

"The teammate, her name is Jasey and she's abnormally strong, fast, and has insane stamina. That puck she hit me with was going at least 80mph, because it cut me and she saw it, she saw it heal" now that right there made my mom tilt her head slightly as if she was thinking of all the options and ways to find Jasey and turn her into a hamburger.

"No, don't hurt the girl mom. One, she's my friend and two your gonna have a whole pack trying to kill you" my mom chuckled at the remark because we both knew very well there's no way they could kill her.

"So a mutt is on your team"

"Mom, don't say that. That's disrespectful" she rolled her eyes again, so arrogant, but she had the right to be. She is the most powerful creature after all.

"Oh pardon me, werewolf" she mocked,

"Do you have something against them, mom?" She gave me a look and shook her head no,

"Hm no, not really. I just don't like dogs"


"What?! I'm a cat person, there's nothing wrong with that" she defended herself but on her face was a huge smirk, she took another sip of her drink and left the kitchen.

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