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"Mama" a small voice interrupted the former silence of my office. It had been a long day; I couldn't blame it on stressful surgeries or a multitude of appointments. Instead, the hours felt like days as I rewrote the same sentence again and again... and again.

"Isabella" I say, and her smile grows. "Why are you here? How did you get here?" I asked as I left my desk.

"Big fire at school" she says matter-of-factly, looking off into a different direction.

"Are you okay?" I ask and grasp her hand, crouching to her height.

"Yes, Mr Smith helped us leave. He wanted me to stay with him, but I wanted to see you" she sweetly recalls.

"You need to listen to Mr Smith; he wants you safe and the hospital isn't always safe. You know that don't you?" I talk to her, and she nods slightly.

"Carina! Have you se-" Maya's voice booms as she runs into my office.

"Isabella, you need to go back down to the ER and put that mask on." Maya hurries out her words, her face remains stoic as she waits for Isabella to react.

"I'm sorry mommy. I wanted to see mama" Isabella says, she walks to Maya and holds onto Maya's coat.

"I'd like to see mama all of the time too, I'm sure Alex would too. But what do I tell you about being safe?" Maya asks.

"I need to stop and look at what could hurt me and then ask." Isabella confidently says. It's something that Maya has repeatedly said to both of our children.

"Good girl, shall we get back to Mr Smith now?" She asks and Isabella nods. "Shall we ask mama to join us?" Maya asks and Isabella nods again.

"How did you even know that there had been a fire?" I asked Maya as I took her hand in mine.

"I've still got a radio on my desk at work... and it does help that I scared all of the interns to calling me if any Deluca-Bishops are brought into the ER" Maya smiles brightly as she finishes her sentence.

"Of course, you'd scare the interns" I chuckle, and we continue our walk through the corridors.



"I'm so sorry, I was just about to call you both. Isabella, can you go to Miss Tomms" Mr Smith worriedly said, the two tall security men began walking away.

"She wanted to see her mama; you can't blame her but now she knows that she shouldn't unless she asks" I repeat a summary of the earlier conversation.

"I actually was hoping I could catch one of you to have a small conversation. In two weeks', time, we will be inviting parents in to talk about their careers. It's simply a way of inspiring the children and helping the parents to maybe form some relationships themselves. Could I hand you both a leaflet which will give you more information?" Mr Smith jabbers on as he reaches for his computer bag.

"We can certainly see if we're free" Carina interrupts.

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