Two People In Love Successfully Makes One Person To Love

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"Why do we have a pair of toddler shoes from my Olympic day merch on our rocking chair?" I ask, exhausted from work and just about ready to collapse.

"Look inside the shoe bambina" she directs me and with tired eyes I find a white stick with 2 red lines emblazoned on a screen.

"Wait... what?" I ask purely in confusion. My tiredness has gotten to the point where I mentally can't differentiate the difference between actual reality and a potential dream.

"We are going to have a little boy or girl in October" Carina whispered as her tears rolled down her face.

Despite her tiredness, she was overwhelmed with joy. Running around the house making lists of changes that we hadn't quite made yet. Her energy plummeted by the time she had sat on our couch, falling asleep with the two little shoes in her hands. Moving her so that she was laying down comfortably on the couch, I took my opportunity to crawl into her arms and fall into the most relaxing sleep we have both probably had in months.


The days had passed quickly, Mason was quick to support us through the process of making our baby, he'd turned up for every test needed and otherwise messaged us on days he knew we had tests of our own. It wasn't until 9 weeks that we learnt that we had good news, good news we weren't quite expecting our first time. We were pregnant.

"Because I gave you my sperm, does that mean that I get to help choose a name? I was thinking Henrika or Olga" he joked, laughing at the disgust we both gave him. "Are my names not good enough?" He sarcastically questioned, finishing his glass of water. As soon as we found out, we called him over to our house.

"With those names as examples, I don't think we could trust you to be apart of that decision making" We laugh, it slowly dies down into a comfortable silence. "We did actually want to tell you something before we tell anyone else" I start, looking at Carina for reassurance that now was the right time.

"We are pregnant, Carina is pregnant" I announce, a look of pride fills Mason's face as his eyes dart between ours, no doubt looking for any hint of a lie.

"No way, wow I'm good" he says a stupid comment that he soon realised, slapping his mouth shut with his hand.

"I guess we could say that. Carina is about 9 weeks currently but we're waiting until 12 weeks to tell people." I say, walking over to my wife and rather protectively wrapping my hands around her body, being more careful around her stomach.

I was pregnant, a pipe dream that I didn't think was possible really was possible. Mason was delighted when we told him, which only made it seem more real than it already was. Since finding out, Maya has been very protective, if it wasn't for my job and Italian Attitude, I'd probably have security guards following me everywhere. She started to be careful with my body, sex was now light and loving, the roughness had disappeared. She's started hugging me from the bag, avoiding my stomach when we're around people but in private she'll hug us close and talk as much as possible. She's blocked out all of the days in which I have any medical test or appointment so that she can be present, she's quickly becoming very involved and maybe obsessed with my pregnancy and it's wonderful to see. It's wonderful to see but today has proven how much I'd rather have space. Mason had been gone for a while and Maya has made it a point to be next to me, it's been a struggle to go to the toilet without her observing me.

"Babe, do you want some eggs and fish, I've heard they're good for pregnancy" Maya shouted from the kitchen, she'd finally left me alone for a few seconds.

"No Bambina" I called back, rolling my eyes.

"I'm going to make some anyway, maybe you'll want it when it's cooked and spiced nicely" She calls back, she can be exhausting even when she means well. I get under the covers of our bed, moving the covers all the way up to my neck and close my eyes. Feeling a few seconds of pure bliss before a smell starts to bleed into the room, a smell so disgusting that throwing up feels as if it's the only escape. Running to the bathroom and emptying any content from my stomach, I'm surprised to see Maya standing at the door in a state of panic.

"What happened?" She asks, hurrying to my side, pulling my hair away from my mouth and placing a hand on my stomach.

"Eggs and fish are a no go. They smell disgusting, get rid of them" Maya looked surprised, slightly taken back by my sudden hate for a food she knows I've loved. The foods that have become a staple piece in most of the meals we eat, or I cook.

"Actually can you put all of our food in the trash, I don't want it" I say, it's an overexaggerating and I know we both are aware of it.

"You want all of our food to be put in the trash? All of your very expensive French food to be thrown out?" Maya asks for a clarification, turning away from her and throwing up must have acted like some kind of confirmation.


A few days after Mason visited and I asked Maya to throw everything out, I was amazed to see that things slowly starting to return. I'd told Maya that I wanted to make a cheese board with onions right next to it, maybe it's a craving. She nodded and returned 20 minutes later with a bag filled to the brim of cheeses that I'd only just asked her to throw out.

"Where did you get these from?" I asked her and she smiled knowingly.

"They were in Andy and Vic's fridge" She proudly states, walking over and kissing my cheek, moving to kiss my stomach too.

"I love you" I whisper, she smiles widely and says those three beautiful words back.

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