Labor day

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My wife's moans are hot, insanely hot. Coming home to her moaning only makes it hotter except this time the moaning wasn't quite for what I'd hoped. Walking into our bedroom, I found my pregnant wife trying to put pants on. She had now been pregnant for 7 months and had never looked more beautiful.

"Do you need some help?" I ask, putting down my work bag and making my way over, kissing both her lips and her stomach.

"Please" She quietly said, throwing her arms down as she watched me help her.

"How was your day? Work was insanely boring, no callouts and no one entering the station for anything, not even a fire alarm replacement" I start to share a summary of my shift, it was 8 hours and I'd never been more excited to leave the station in my life.
"I cooked, cleaned, had a bath, oh and I'm definitely in labor" Carina casually says, as if the very last thing she said, was something mundane like the others she'd listed.

"But you're 7 months, that's too early. We need to go to the hospital" I screech, running around our room looking for the things we need. Quietly ranting to myself about how it hadn't already been sorted.

"We are prepared, I'm an OB. We have plenty of time" Carina reminds me, an attempt to calm me down which fails.

"But both of our cars are at the garage, we have no way of getting there. I need to- I need" I start to stutter, my brain compiling different plans to solve the issue.

"We can call someone" she says, rolling her eyes and making no effort to move from the bed.

"But everyone is still on shift for station and I'm pretty sure everyone from the hospital is also working. We don't know anyone else" Making that realisation only makes my panic grow more and more.

"We can ask your brother or my brother" Carina throws the idea out.

"Your brother is in Italy and Mason is at a conference somewhere" my heart quickens and my hands start to sweat.

"What about your mom?" my beautiful wife asks me, finally standing up and walking towards me. I can tell by her facial expression that she's trying to gage my reaction to her suggestion.

"I-okay" I concede, wanting to just get to the hospital. Grabbing my phone, I hastily call my mom and ask her a simple question. She answers and says she's on her way, supposedly only 15 minutes away from our house.


My mom arrived quicker than we thought, I'm sure she had been speeding. She'd hurried to the front door as I helped my wife down our stairs and towards the front door, everything going exactly to plan. The drive to the hospital was quick, quicker than we had bargained for. Hitting rush hour, we expected to be in the car for more than an hour, especially as we were driving towards the city. We were quick to be admitted and put in our private room, mom quietly said her goodbyes before leaving. Can't say I'm not thankful that she didn't stick around.

"Alright, so as you know you are currently 7 months pregnant. So, it looks like your little girl would like to say hello to the world a little earlier than we'd prefer. You're too far along for us to try and stop the pregnancy but luckily, we have the right equipment to take care of her. Let me just check you, and we can go over any questions you may have" Jo explains, moving towards Carina.

"Alright, 7 inches. It seems today is all about the sevens, I believe today is also the 7th of July." Jo recognises the pattern. "I will be back in about half an hour to see how you're progressing. Carina, you know if you need anything either boss your wife around or call the nurses for any help" She reminds, Carina smiling largely at the idea of using me when she needs.

"Can you get ice chips and call Amelia here?" The first of the instructions flow out of my wife's mouth.

"Any reason why?" I ask her, Amelia is a dear friend for the most part. She loves to tease me, and I love to tease her, the perfect love-hate friendship.

"I want to ask her something" Carina says, holding back something as she quirks her eyebrow as a warning for me to not ask her a further question.


A while ago I'd left to find Amelia and get the ice chips for my wife. A while ago, I was blissfully unaware that Mason had come to the hospital and had gotten into a massive fight with my mom. A fight so big that security had to get involved, so much for thinking they were more amicable that I thought. It wasn't until I'd found Amelia somehow in the middle of the argument, that I suddenly regretted leaving my wife's side.

"What's going on here?" I ask, my family finally noticing my presence and stopping any sound or movement escaping their bodies. Amelia gave me a sympathetic look before walking away, patting my back softly as she moved past me.

"Oh, Carina wants you" I remind myself while telling Amelia, she nods and heads in the direction I'd just come from.

"Right, Mason what's going on?" Since I'd repaired my relationship with him, I like to believe that the relationship we have is strong enough for us to speak truthfully for the most part.

"Jo called me here when Carina was admitted for being in labor. I guess Mom was already here and she started questioning why I was here. I blurted out that you used my sperm sample, and she started preaching hateful things." Mason gave a summary, something I wasn't necessarily shocked by. Using your brother's sperm to impregnate your wife is definitely something that would shock people.

"Mom, if you have a problem with the way my family is being built, I think it's time for you to leave and never come back. I can't have toxic or ignorant around my children" I warn my mom, walking over to Mason and pulling him into a hug.

"He's making this all up. I simply told him that he didn't need to get involved because there's sperm banks" Mom starts to come up with an explanation.

"We asked him to be involved. I hope you're not here if I come back down." I say pointedly towards my mom, giving Mason a sad smile before turning around.


"Maya!" shouted Carina as I ran down the corridor.

"I need to push" She screeches as I run to her side, taking one of her hands in mine and looking around to see the nurses already in position.

"Breath baby" I remind her, resting a hand of mine on her forehead and changing my focus to only be on her in that moment. The nurses and the rest of the world vanished for a few seconds as we held eye contact, the moment was shattered as Carina's face contorted into a painful look.

"Carina, you need to push on your next contraction" Jo tells Carina, Carina slightly nodding her head as she focuses on the task at hand. As a contraction hits, Jo coaches her through the push and watch on, feeling completely helpless. I'm someone who wants to make everything better, I can't do anything here. I can't take the pain away. A few seconds pass by and the next contraction rips through Carina's body as she pushes again, tightening her grip on my hand, pulling me back out of my thoughts and into the present time.

"One more push, the head is out" Jo says, Carina relaxes for a millisecond before she pushes for the last time. A cry interrupts the heavy breathing and quiet murmurs of the nurses, telling us that our daughter can at least breath. Our little girl is rushed over to a table a few meters away, the nurses completing a few health tests to make sure she is okay. They place her into a small NICU Incubator and start to wheel her out. Carina continues to push, the placenta is the final step before the birthing is finished.

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