chapter 10. Number

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OMGGG LOOK AT THIS PUPPY ARGHHHH IT LOOKED SO CUTE, AND IT WAS SO FULLY AND SMALL! anywayyyy, I'm not losing motivation but I'm running out of ideas, help me😭 I know y'all love Blake's pov but back to Liam's


I finished showering and getting ready to leave for school. I wasn't fasting anymore, because I fainted at school twice so I decided to stop fasting for a while and it took a while to get back to my normal eating routine but I still feel like I might throw up when I eat sometimes, and it really hurts. I had to go for school so and I really didn't feel like eating so I just told my mom goodbye and left for the bus. I'm bus in the morning but I walk home at the end of the day. I got to the school bus stop and waited. I saw Blake come by with his friends, and then I saw this new girl. I wonder what's her name. I walked up to her and said

"Hello are you new here, I don't think I've ever seen you before?"

"Oh yes! I am, my name is Maria!" She smiled at me

"Oh well welcome to the school Maria!" I laughed

The bus came and I walked in and sat in my seat, I placed my backpack next to me. I didn't want savanna seating next to me. I especially want nothing to do with her.. why did I even protect Blake, something in me just wants me to protect as much as I can even though he bully's me. He's been acting off this past week but still bullies me. He just doesn't laugh or smile when he does it. He kind of looks sad when he hurts me. Savanna came up to my seat but started looking for another one when she saw my backpack next to me, I am honestly glad to get her off my chest for now.

I got out my diary and starting my writing. I was already on day 5 about to be 6. Then I started writing

Dear small diary
(Feb 13. 24)

It's been a disaster week start for some odd reason and I don't even know why? Did I do something, did I have something to do with this week being so bad, was it me I always think it's me, but it probably is me. Literally on Monday Blake was acting super off, and I also got in a fight with savanna over Blake, Blake was right about her she was always off and rude on the inside. But maybe I'm just over reacting it? I still seem to like Blake and I can't get over him, it's like a cycle that doesn't stop.. his lips look so kissable but sadly I won't ever kiss them.. his hair looks so soft but I won't be able to run my fingers through them.. his face looks so gorgeous but I won't be put my hands on them. Blake has been acting a bit strange when bullying me, and it's honestly pretty cute but still hurts me physically. I'm hoping to invite him over and maybe talking to him about it, maybe he'll open up I don't know lol. I am pretty desperate for love right now, I need someone to hug me, I need somebody to kiss me passionately, I need someone I can trust. Maybe someday but I'll keep my hopes up for love because I'm not done just yet.

I closed my diary up and looked outside for my surroundings, and we were pretty near the school so I took out my earbuds and put them so with my phone and diary. After 2 minutes of waiting we arrived at the school and I wanted for a couple of people to get off then I walked out. I started to hear the chatter of people and their conversations I walked up to my locker and put my code in, I looked at myself in the mirror, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I slowly turned my head to my side and I saw Maria. When I was talking to her at the bus stop I found out that she went to our middle school the whole 4 years but moved in the beginning on high school but then moved back in the middle of our school year It was pretty chaotic but funny.

"Hiii laimmmm~"

"Hi Maria" I giggled on the way she said hi

"Can I have your number, of course if that's okay with you!"

"Yeah sure it's xxx-xxx-xxxx"

She quickly wrote it on her phone and thanked me


Walking home is pretty boring, I usually have no one to talk to, Blake lives by me but I usually leave earlier than him so I don't hav ego see, him while walking home, I've usually had enough of his shenanigans but this week has been so weird I don't even know what's happening. I got to my house and opened my door, I stepped inside and saw my mom on the couch asleep with a blanket over her, today is her day off but my dad is currently working. Sometimes they're both working, sometimes one or both is in a business trip, sometimes only one is off, or sometimes both of them are off. I closed the door slowly and locked it, I quickly but quietly walked up to my room upstairs. I placed my backpack down onto the ground I grabbed my phone and scrolled through TikTok til I revived a message..

(Unknown: hey this is Maria!)

I tapped on the messages and typed in "hello!" I edited her name to me (Maria💙😘) so she wasn't unknown anymore


Hey this is Maria!
So Blake told me some news and I told him I'll help him out with it
Okay? What does this have to do with me?😀
Because it's literally about you you dummy
Oh! Makes sense now
So what is it?
So uhm..he kind of likes you, oh my bad he loves you
My exact reaction..
Huh I'm so confused..
Okay well you know he bully's you and shi?
Well apparently he does this so you don't run off with someone new. He's actually afraid of losing you and deeply too..he gets butterflies, he's face gets all red, and he said that he gets this awful feeling in his stomach but he sees a spark in you. He really loves you but he has no clue why he bullies you. He hates that he bullies you but he just can't stop. He sincerely loves you, although you may not feel the same and he totally understands that since he doesn't bully you. I thought I might tell you this.. I hope it's for the better
Uhm this might seem really weird but I really do like him too, a lot. Everything about him is so..perfect you know?
Shut up Maria
But for real I'll talk to him about it..
Alrighty will do

I closed out the messages and thought to myself he likes me? HE LIKES ME!? It felt so unreal but I was honestly so excited opened messages up again and clicked Blake.


Hey could we meet by the lockers tomorrow? kk thanks! See you then

AHHH CAN'T WAIT, I hope he's not gunna get to scared...


Words: 1270

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