chapter 2. I'm not fat, right?

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Liam's pov

I get home and lock the door. I walk to my stairs and take off my shoes and run up stairs and jump down on to my bad, faceplate too. I got up and I started feeling really hungry but something in my head told me not to eat and told me fat I was, and now i didn't wanna eat but I felt sad again. I looked at me belly and took off my shirt once again I looked at it and felt so fat. I put my shirt back on and turned on my tv and watch some YouTube. I was laughing and smiling, completely forgot what was on my mind.

Night time rolled around and I was laying on my bed watching TikTok and realized what time it was 3:38. Must explain why I'm so tired. I have school at 8 anyway so I'll just go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.


I get to school and hear the chatter of people. I walk to my locker and place my stuff in it. I kept getting these thoughts saying how ugly I am, how fat I am, and how I don't belong here..
While I'm completely lost in my thoughts Blake's comes over to me, "Hey Liam" I turned around feeling what I know what's about to happen, "I'm going to be coming over tonight since we need to work on that project" "oh okay" I replied. I was surprised that he didn't do anything but then he threw a paper ball at me "loser" I spoke way to soon huh?

it was mid day and I was going to my 5 period and Blake sits next to me in that class. Usually I ignore him and he ignores me but today was different. I sat down and Blake's walks in a few minutes later "And why are you late young mister?" The teacher said angrily "sorry miss I was stuck with something" I wonder what he was stuff with.. Blake sat down next to me and looked at me for a good minute then looked away, weird.. "Hey Liam do you have a pencil?" "oh yeah I do, here you go" I gave him a pencil and he smiled, what is going on, why is he being so nice he usually treats me like sh*t? I was bamboozled with questions but I shrugged it off..

time skip again....

I was peacefully drawing til I heard a *BENG* and I realized it was the door bell. I went downstairs and checked who it was, it was Blake. I sighed and opened the door, "Hey Liam!" He hugs me and I don't hug him back as for I'm literally in shock. He lets go and says "come on let's go upstairs" "okay.." as he's walking I remember I have something on my bed I shouldn't have "WAIT BLAKE PLEASE DON'T IN THERE, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU" I yelled worried "what? Why not" he asked "uh, no reason let's just go in my parents room.." "uhm fine whatever" that was a close call, we get in there and then he says "so fatty? Have you lost any weight, you're looking bigger" he said while laughing. That's when I thought of something, I'll start fasting!


That was so bad he kept on picking on me and hating on me again.. But I searched on my phone "how to fast" and it showed me a lot of replies and results, I was honestly shocked. I click on one and it said


-by chewing gum, it makes your brain think your eating
-drinks LOTS of water each day
-try to not eat junk food
-avoid sweets
-and try not to eat to much
-if you want to eat only eat 500 calories a day


This is perfect just what I needed, thankfully I already had gum, and tomorrow I'm going o start fasting! I walked back to my room fixed my stuff and my bed and went to sleep happy. I'm ready to lose weight, and not be so fat anymore, and I went to bed hoping for a better day.

How am I'm doing so far?? Am I good at writing? This is my first book so idk much lol. I'm proud of this so far lol

WORDS: 735

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