4. They have a crush on you

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Tony: He made it obvious to just about everyone else that he had a crush on you. Tony was more flirty around you but you just thought he was being regular old Tony. You had no idea that his heart was going a mile a minute whenever he spoke to you. He had everything he could ever want, except you.

Steve: Steve acted super shy around you. You knew something was up because he wasn't like this around anyone else. You couldn't put your finger on it though. Tony eventually let it slip that he had a crush on you and you were extremely flattered.

Thor: Thor was extremely confident around you. He was a god so why wouldn't you like him? You were always unimpressed with him though. He found it odd and that was when he realized you were different from other women. It was in that moment that he realized he developed feelings for you.

Clint: You had known Clint since you were a kid and that was when the feelings first hit him. He acted like regular Clint around you, so you had no idea. You just thought he was was being a total dork like usual around you. You wouldn't know for a long time that you made him feel weak at the knees.

Bruce: He was surprisingly smooth around you. Bruce gave you sincere compliments every day to try and convey that he had a crush on you. You had been wondering if he liked you when you overhead a conversation he was having with Tony about you. So that is why he was so smooth.

Pietro: Like Tony, he was flirty so you never thought he was serious. When he was around you though he wasn't as reckless or annoying to other people. He took things a little more serious except for the flirting. You never would have guess that you ran through his mind all day long.

Bucky: You were utterly clueless. Bucky was always so stoic that you could hardly ever read his emotions. His crush on you was massive though. Everyone but you noticed that he always seemed happier whenever you walked into the room.

Loki: You figured that Loki had a crush on you after you had got to be around him more. He constantly practiced his magic when you were in the same room because you once mentioned how amazing you thought it was. You picked up on that quite quickly. You also noticed that your favorite flowers appeared in front of your door every couple of weeks. The only person you had ever told your favorite flowers to was Loki, so you figured it was him.

Wanda: You didn't know that Wanda had a crush on you because she was always so shy and ran away whenever you tried to talk to her. You actually thought that she hated you for some reason.

Natasha: Nat was a massive flirt but it was different with you and you picked up on that. It was more sincere flirting rather than just mindless flirting to get what she wanted. When you figured out that she had a crush on you, you flirted back so she knew that you returned the feelings.

Maria: Maria could be pretty closed off when she wanted to be, but she was never that way around you. You at first thought that it was because you were really good friend, but soon realized it was something more. You were extremely surprised because it was rare when someone had a crush on you.

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