9. Meeting your family

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Tony: You had never seen Tony Stark nervous before. He had saved the world twice, but here he was shaking in his shoes about meeting your father. You assured him it would be fine, but he wasn't convinced. It wasn't until your dad said that he approved that Tony finally was able to relax.

Steve: Today was the day Steve was meeting your brother. Your brother was very overprotective so you weren't sure how this was going to play out. It turned out that your brother and Steve got along great. Your brother was in the army so they had a lot to talk about. You were so happy that your brother like Steve because you really valued your brother's opinion.

Thor: You and Thor were on your way to meet your grandfather. Thor seemed fine on the outside, but on the inside he was freaking out. You always talked so highly of your grandfather so Thor knew he had to make a good impression. Once the two of them met they totally hit it off. Needless to say, your grandfather completely approved of Thor.

Clint: You were meeting your mom for lunch and Clint tagged along. He figured he should meet the woman you held in such a high regard. Your mom ended up adoring Clint with his goofball charm. She thought the two of you were perfect together. When Clint went to pay the bill she asked when she should expect the wedding. You just rolled your eyes at her.

Bruce: Bruce was going to meet your aunt today with you. She was one of the most important women in your life. Your aunt instantly liked Bruce because he was such a gentleman. She could see the love in his eyes that was only there for you.

Pietro: You had to watch your younger cousins today with the help of Pietro. The twins were apprehensive at first but were all over him once they saw how fast he was. They thought he was so cool and Pietro was secretly glad that he had won them over.

Bucky: You were babysitting your little sister when he came over as well. She thought his metal arm was the best thing in the world and he even let her put some cool stickers on it. She then drew a picture for him as her way of saying thank you. The two of them were bonding and it was the sweetest thing ever.

Loki: He was really scared to meet your older sister. She could be judgmental and she had heard that he'd tried to take over the world. You didn't know how she would feel about you dating him once she found out. When you met up, it was tense at first but she eventually warmed up to this amazing charm. After that everyone was able to relax and be happy.

Wanda: Your grandmother was one of the most important people in your life and you were glad that she was still alive to meet Wanda. Wanda kept fretting about whether or not your grandmother would like her or not. All of that flew out of her head though when your grandmother embraced her and said how cute the two of you were together.

Natasha: You had always been close to your uncle and it stayed that way as you grew older. He would often come to visit you and have dinner. This time though he was going to be meeting Nat. When he arrived she insisted that you two catch up while she made dinner. Your uncle was won over by her fabulous cooking skills and spectacular personality.

Maria: When your parents had passed away, you went to live with your godparents. They were basically family as far as you were concerned and you wanted them to meet Maria. They immediately like her because they saw how happy she made you.

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