12. First date

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Tony: Tony kept it surprisingly simple for your first date. He knew you weren't one for extravagant things so he thought dinner and a movie at his place would be perfect. It turned out that he was right. You loved the simple idea because it was still so intimate. You also loved that he wasn't trying to impress you with his wealth. It may have been simple, but in your mind it was perfect.

Steve: He took you to nice park where the two of you had a picnic. Everything was going great until it started pouring down rain. Steve had worked so hard to make sure everything was perfect and it was all ruined in a matter of seconds. He thought you were going to be angry but once he saw you dancing and laughing in the rain his doubts melted away. You loved your first date with Steve even with the rain.

Thor: You and Thor went bowling. You had a competitive nature and thought bowling would be a great idea. Thor had never been so that made it even better. The two of you got kicked out though when Thor bowled so hard that he broke the pins. Regardless, it was the most fun you'd had in quite some time.

Clint: Clint taught you how to shoot an arrow for your first date. You had mentioned in the past that you had always wanted to learn and he thought it would be the perfect date. He was right. You had a freaking blast doing it. You weren't doing so hot in the beginning but you could at least hit the target by the end of the date. Clint loved showing you how to properly do everything because he could impress you and get close to you.

Bruce: He took you to a nice restaurant. You got a table in the back so it was nice and private. You talked the whole time about anything and everything. You shared your secrets and deepest desires with each other. When the date ended you realized you had slowly fallen in love with the man and it was only the first date.

Pietro: You explored New York like a couple of tourists for the whole day. The two of you had never seen much of the city, so you spent the whole day seeing the common tourist attractions. It was fun and you took your camera so you could act like actual tourists. Pietro had the time of his life with you and you could say the same.

Bucky: Bucky took you to a movie. It was during said movie where he put the move on you. He pretended to yawn and stretch before gently putting his arm around your shoulders. You hid your smile and just let him think that he was being smooth. You thought it was sweet but he was also a total cheese ball.

Loki: Loki took you to Asgard for the first date. He wanted to impress you and his planned worked. You were mesmerized by the place and couldn't get over the fact that he did this for you. It was so sweet and melted your heart. After a tour of the city, you guys spent time in the gardens where he showed you some of his magic.

Wanda: The two of you went to the local mini-golf place to have a fun first date. You wanted to be able to talk and laugh without bothering people, so what was better than mini-golf? Wanda had also never been, so it was the perfect idea in your mind.

Natasha: Nat and you didn't really feel like going out for your first date so you went over to her place. It turns out that she is an amazing cook, like could be the next famous chef amazing. You spent the night chatting over dinner and wine. It was the best date you'd been on so far.

Maria: You guys kept it simple with just going for coffee one evening for the first date. You sat in the corner where you could be away from prying eyes and talked all night. The two of you ended up getting kicked out because the place was closing up and you guys were still there. Once you were out you spent the rest of the night walking around the city, still talking.

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