16. You can't/don't want to have kids

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Tony: It shocked both of you when you went tot he doctor and found out you were infertile. You balled for days until Tony brought up the idea of adoption. You perked up at the thought and decided that you would still have kids even though they wouldn't come from your womb.

Steve: When you had told Steve that you didn't want kids he was kind of relieved. He didn't really want to start a family either so it was perfect. You guys could still be together without the worries and troubles that children brought.

Thor: Thor was shocked when you said you didn't want to have kids. You said that it wasn't really in the cards for you and you wanted to be up front about it with him. After thinking about it for awhile, Thor realized it shouldn't matter whether or not you have kids as long as you have each other.

Clint: You thought Clint would be throwing away his chance to have children if he married you. You found out at a very young age that your body wouldn't be able to handle having a child and you could die. Clint said that he didn't care though. He would rather spend the rest of his life with you, kids or not.

Bruce: Bruce was kind of happy that you didn't want kids. It just made things easier for the both of you. He didn't think he could be the family man that many women would have wanted but now he didn't have to worry. Now the two of you could just spend time with each other and not have to worry about the pressures and responsibilities of children.

Pietro: You were both extremely upset when you found out your uterus was going to suck and couldn't handle having a kid. You were devastated that you couldn't have a child of your own and there was nothing Pietro could do to make either of you feel better.

Bucky: You'd never wanted kids and for that Bucky was glad. Bucky wasn't sure what kind of father he would be while still having flashbacks and nightmares about when he was with Hydra. You didn't have a single maternal bone in your body so the situation was going to work out perfectly.

Loki: You cried for days and Loki was hardly any better. Your body just couldn't handle trying to carry a child and if you tried one more time you could die. There was nothing more you wanted than a child that looked like the two of you. Now that wasn't even a possibility.

Wanda: When you told Wanda you didn't want kids, it turned into a fight. She said she wanted to be a mom one day and if you weren't on board you could just leave. You thought she was being a little unreasonable and rushing into things so you left for a little while. When you eventually came back Wanda said she could see your side of things and would put off on wanting a baby.

Natasha: Sadly, you were sterile like she was. You had to have your uterus taken out when you were younger or else it was actually going to fall out of your body. She consoled you as you cried while you told her. Once you had told her your sob story you decided to see if the two of you could look into adoption.

Maria: A kid didn't really fit into your lifestyle. You were a CEO of a fortune five hundred company and she was a Shield agent. That wasn't exactly the best environment to bring a child up in. You barely had time for each other, let alone a kid. When you told Maria she was in complete agreement.

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