14. Your lowest point

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Tony: You felt worthless, that you were unimportant, and that the world could go on without you. When Tony found out you felt like this he was devastated. He decided there was one thing to do and that was to make you feel better. It started with small things, like your favorite food or drink always being around. Then the things got bigger, like tickets to see your favorite band or mini vacations with him and the gang. It made you feel like someone actually cared and made you feel important. Father figure Tony was doing an excellent job.

Steve: When Steve found you balling he talked to you about why you felt so awful inside. After you told him that you struggle with depression he made it his mission to help you feel better. Steve became your personal listener and dropped everything when you needed him. He made it a point to have nice long talks with you every single day and discussed anything you wanted to. Steve even told you stories about him and Bucky to make things lighter. He was a huge help and you slowly got better thanks to his help.

Thor: Thor found you in a near catatonic state staring at a razor. You had yet to do anything with it but you weren't talking or even seemed to be responding to his words. When Thor finally got you out of your state you confessed that you had been thinking about dying a lot lately. You wanted to, but had yet to find the right time. You just wanted something to make it stop. Thor then made it his full time job to help you learn to love yourself and want to live. He left encouraging messages hidden just for you all around the tower so you would smile throughout the day. It wasn't much but it helped immensely.

Clint: Clint was heart broken when he found out that you had depression and were having a hard time coping with it. He was like a brother to you so how could he have missed something this huge. The moment he realized what all the signs were pointing to he sprang into action and wanted to help. You never did anything anymore and Clint had read that having a hobby helped when dealing with depression. Clint decided to teach you a hobby, archery to be exact. It got you out of your room every day to practice and made you get some fresh air. His plan worked because not only were you out of your room but you were happier as well.

Bruce: Bruce may have been a smart man but he had no idea what to do when you told him you thought about suicide. A lot. He felt helpless but tired to help you feel better and not want to die. One day he came into your room with a notebook and a pen. He told you to write down every thought and feeling you had into the notebook. Once you filled it up he gave you another one. This notebook was for you to write all of the reasons you wanted to live and what you would miss out on if you died. It took a long time but you eventually filled that one up too. When you were done you burned the notebook that held your bad thoughts. It was a symbolic way of letting the past go and it made you feel better than you had in a long time.

Pietro: Once Pietro found out you had zero self worth he gave you hugs. He gave you long comforting hugs throughout the day to make you feel better. Those hugs made you feel like you were needed because he enjoyed hugging you as well. Pietro's magical hugs made you get a little better with each passing day. They made you feel loved and cared for all of the time. Along with the hugs, he also kept you busy so you wouldn't have time to feel worthless. He gave you projects, training to do, and anything else he could possibly think of. As time went on, you found yourself not feeling as bad as you once did and didn't need as many hugs throughout the day. That didn't mean you turned them down though.

Bucky: Bucky became your personal caretaker/therapist/bodyguard when he found out you had depression. He listened to whatever you needed to talk about and makes sure that you are taking care of yourself. Bucky also takes it upon himself to protect you from people and yourself at all times. He makes sure to throw out anything that you could possibly hurt yourself with if you ever got the notion. In addition to that, he makes sure that everyone around you knows that you're in a sensitive state without revealing what you're going through. Bucky helps you learn to love live and find that it is worth living.

Loki: Loki tries to take it away but it is something that magic and godly medicine can't heal. Instead, he showers you in your favorite flower and does magic for you. You've always been like a sibling to him and he wants nothing more than to make you feel like you used to. The magic and the flowers help to keep your mind away from those thoughts and feelings. Loki had no idea just how much he really helped you in your time of need until you thanked him one day for it.

Wanda: It was an accident that she found out. She was working on her powers and was trying to get into her brother's mind but got your mind instead. Wanda was overcome with feelings of sadness and hopelessness that she wanted to cry. She decided right then that she would show you just how the world would look without you. You were terrified to say the least. It was so sad and scary that you cried your eyes out. You were mad at her at first for getting into your head, but then you realized that she only wanted to help. The images that she showed you made you realize you needed to live because how dim the world would be without you.

Natasha: You had always been like a younger sibling to Nat that she felt like she needed to protect. There was just one thing she never could protect you from though and that was yourself. She couldn't beat up and kill depression, that was something you had to do. That didn't mean she wasn't going to give you the push you needed though. Nat helped you by teaching you kickboxing. She had read that exercise was fantastic for people who were dealing with depression. Nat teaching you that made your endorphins kick in and you were back to feeling better in no time.

Maria: Maria was heart broken when she found out just how horrible you were feeling. She was like you surrogate mother on the team and she wanted nothing more than to help. Maria found everything she could on depression. Once she had done that she tried all of the tips and tricks she found until something finally worked for you. It didn't go great at first but you eventually found a solution. Singing. It didn't matter how well you sang, it just mattered that it helped. Maria then had a soundproof room built for you so you could sing whenever and how loud you wanted to.

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