1. They accidentally walk in on you changing

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Tony: You had just gotten out the shower when you realized that you had brought underwear but no clothes into your bathroom. Grumpily, you walked into your bedroom and started digging around for something to wear.

"Hey Y/N look at this, woah!" You heard Tony's voice cut off as he entered your room.

"Oh my God Tony!" You shrieked and tried to cover yourself up. He just stared at you or well your glorious body actually. "Get out!"

"What? Oh right sorry honey! Your body is amazing by the way!" Tony shouted as he ran out the door.

Steve: You were getting ready for bed when the super soldier walked in on you. You were just about to pull your shirt over your head when you heard his voice.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Y/N I forgot you were changing," he blushed and tried not to look at your lovely figure.

"Its okay Steve, I still have underwear on," you chuckled and he groaned.

"I know. I'm still a bit old fashioned." You quickly tugged the shirt on and walked towards him.

"I like that you're still a bit old fashioned. It makes you more of a gentleman."

Thor: After a long day of swimming in Tony's pool you all decided that it was time to head in for the day. Once you got inside you were freezing and immediately went to change into something warmer than a swimsuit. You were in your underwear with your back turned to the door when you started pulling clothes. What you didn't know though was that a minute later Thor had followed you. When you heard a knock at the door and Thor say "Y/N are you okay?", he asked while he opened the door quickly. "I brought you some war-", ''Thor no!!!!!", you yelled, cutting him off; but it was too late.

"What the frick frack diddly dack patty wack snick snack crack pack slack mack quarterback crackerjack biofeedback backtrack thumbtack sidetrack tic-tac!!!", he shouted while running out of your room and slamming the door. You stood there for a minute with your eyes wide open and a blush slowly creeping onto your face, but got back to getting dressed.

After you got done getting dressed, you went to where you heard Thor run off to. Once you saw him, he immediately started apologizing.
"Y/N I am sorry. I was coming to ask if you needed warmer clothes. I heard you, but it was too late."

"It's fine Thor, but I am so embarrassed! Please don't mention this to anyone.. "

"You do not need to worry, Y/N, I would never. "

Clint: The Avengers were going out to stop Hydra again. You had to get ready fast because you had woken up late. Just as you were about to pull on your uniform, your boyfriend walked in on you.

"So I was thinking..." He trailed off. Both of your guys' eyes grew wide as you took in what was happening.

"Get out Clint!" You shrieked and held the uniform up to your body so he wouldn't see anything.
"Right, uh, what was I saying?"

"I don't know, but can you leave?"

"You sure you want me to?"

"Positive." He was about to say some snarky comeback when you chucked a shoe at his head. Clint laughed and quickly left the room. That was not how you wanted to start your day.

Bruce: Tony was hosting a party yet again and you were trying to figure out what dress to put on. You were stuck between the red one and the navy blue one. You were so deep in thought that you didn't hear you door open. What pulled out of your thoughts was a gasp.
"Oh I didn't realize you were changing, I'll, uh, come back," Bruce's nervous voice said.
"No wait you can help me. Red or blue."
"Perfect." You quickly slid on the blue one but couldn't quite get the zipper. "Zip me up?"
"Sure." His fingers lingered on your back a little long and you turned around. You kissed him hard and pulled away with a smirk on your face once you saw that he was flustered.
"Thanks babe!"

Pietro: You and Pietro had gotten caught in the rain and so he had to run you back to the tower before you caught a cold. You were freezing from the cold rain and had to change into something warmer. You had stripped down and were in nothing but your underwear when Pietro opened your door.

"So do you want to watch a movie since our walk got ruined?" He asked but was looking down at this phone.

"I'd love to but can you leave?" You questioned and pulled a sheet around your body so he wouldn't see anything. It was then that he looked up at you confused as to why you would want him to leave. Then he realized you were bare under that sheet.

"Oh I'm sorry my love. I forget that not everyone changes as fast as me. Just, uh, meet me when you are done," he smirked and ran away.

Bucky: You were roasting. It was so freaking hot in the apartment because the AC had decided to die on you. You had to change into something cooler and was in the middle of taking your shirt of when Bucky walked in. Both of your eyes widened and Bucky looked like a fish out of water. Then he started looking at your body.
"James Buchanan Barnes I swear if you don't get out I will kill you!" You hollered and tried to cover yourself up.
"You sure you want me to go?" He asked with a cheeky grin.
"Nice body by the way doll."
"Shut up!" You blushed and slammed the door behind him.

Wanda: "Wanda can you get a different one this pair doesn't fit?" You asked her and you struggled to get the too tight jeans off. You heard her walk away to go get a different size for you. What you didn't hear though was her knocking. She figured you were still dressed so she waltzed right in then stopped, eyes widening.

"Oh I'm so sorry my sweet, I thought you were clothed," she blushed. You smirked at her.

"See something you like?" Wanda blushed even more.

"I-I'm just going to leave now. Here are the jeans," she stuttered and ran out your dressing room.

Natasha: You were utterly exhausted. You had just gotten back from the most difficult mission of your life so far and you could barely walk. All you wanted was to strip out of your clothes and fall asleep. You quickly walked into your room bleary eyed and started talking off your clothes. You didn't hear the several knocks on your door before it burst open. Your eyes nearly popped out of your head as Nat walked in and you tried to cover yourself up.

"What the hell Nat? You nearly scared me to death," you told her and tried to cover yourself.

"I knocked and when you didn't answer I got worried," she said. You noticed how her eyes lingered over your body.

"Sorry, I was so tired that I didn't even hear it."

"Don't worry about it," she smirked. "You okay though, I heard it was pretty bad."

"I've had better. Cuddle me to make me feel better?"

"Absolutely. You may want to put a shirt on though if you're tired." You knew what she was implying and immediately pulled on a shirt.

Maria: Training was so tiring that it wasn't even funny sometimes. You could barely feel your body and you were so sore. When training was finally over you stumbled back to your room so you could take a shower. You were almost naked when your door opened and in came Maria.
"So how was-"
"Maria!" You shouted and pulled a towel over your body.
"Oh Y/N I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you would be naked." You were both blushing like maniacs at this point.
"What did you want?"
"I wanted to ask you how training went but I'll come back later." She stumbled out of your room while apologizing profusely.

A/N: I know that I said that these are all off of tumblr, but I kinda sorta maybe changed Thor's ending.. And I also know that it was just completely stupid.. Sorry.... My friends were teasing me about it so yep.. Sorry again about it..

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