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The Pogues woke up in the morning and went out to the porch. They all sat on couches and chairs just talking about the previous night.

"That was epic." Pope nodded, pointing his fingers at John B. He was referring to when the brunette boy threw the first punch.

"Did you guys see Kelce's face?" John B laughed a little when he remembered how stupid the boy looked.

"Bomb drop!" JJ yelled, jumping up and throwing a tiny basketball threw the small hoop that was attached to the wall. He landed on one of the couches and everyone heard a snap.

"Another broken couch." Scarlett pursed her lips.

"You gotta sleep there tonight." Pope turned to JJ because he didn't want to sleep on the newly broken couch.

"I always sleep there." JJ shrugged. "Hey. Well, hello, princess." The blonde boy joked and everyone turned their heads to see Sarah walking through the door.

"What's up?" Kie smiled at the blonde.

Scarlett shot up from the couch and rushed towards her sister. "Hi, Sar." She smiled, engulfing her sister in a giant hug.

"Hey." Sarah smiled, hugging her twin back.

"Shouldn't you be on Figure Eight with your little group of polo players? Or did you break up with Topper?" John B questioned his now ex-girlfriend as she let go of Scarlett and wandered towards the group.

"We're just friends." Sarah gave the boy a sarcastic smile, clearly mad at him.

Everyone could feel the tension between the two ex-lovers.

"He's just a friend. You have a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron." John B continued taunting her, making everyone uncomfortable with their bickering.

"Yeah, and it seems like you've got some of your own too." The blonde girl retorted back to him and he just rolled his eyes.

"All right, what are you doing here? What do you want?" John B sat up in his chair.

Sarah sighed. "I'm here for Pope." She spoke, making everyone furrow their brows, confused about why she needed Pope. "I think I found the island room." She smiled.

Everyone immediately sat up and snapped their heads over to Sarah.

Within minutes, everyone was in the Twinkie and they were driving toward Tannyhill.

"Guys, listen to this." Pope gained everyone's attention as they sat in the Twinkie. "The diary says the cross holds the most holy relic in all of Christendom, the Garment of the Savior."

"So wait, he's saying there's a holy garment inside the cross?" Kie questioned curiously.

"Yeah. It says the garment is capable of healing the sick from any malady." The dark-skinned boy explained to them.

"Mmm, yeah. If only I may touch his garment, I shall be made well." JJ spoke and everyone knitted their eyebrows together in confusion and turned to face him. "What? I went to Sunday school." He defended himself.

"Sure." Scarlett patted the boy's shoulder sarcastically.

"Well, that explains why Limbrey would want the cross so bad. She thinks it can heal her."

"What else does it say?" Kiara asked Pope as he was getting all of this information from Denmark's diary which he had in his hands.

"Many feel that we have sinned to steal such a sacred thing, and God will strike his vengeance on us." The boy read and everyone shared a look.

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