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"Boss, he's here." A girl called out as she guided John B into the room that the twins were in. "Hey, found your friend." The girl told the two blondes.

"Hey. Listen. I just—"

"What the hell were you thinking?" Scarlett yelled at the boy as she landed a forceful punch straight to his chest.

"Liar!" Sarah yelled as she stood up and forcefully pushed John B.

The man who kidnapped the girls grabbed John B by his throat.

"I wouldn't provoke him. It tends not to go so well." The captain emerged from a room. "You can run, but you can't hide, John B. I got eyes and ears everywhere." He said as the brunette began to cough when his throat was released.

"Took you long enough." The captain muttered to the girl who brought John B there.

"Next time, get him yourself." She eyed the captain up and down as she spoke.

"After all our hospitality, you left without saying goodbye." The captain told the three teenagers.

"Let us go." Scarlett stood up as she spoke.

"I got fifty thousand reasons why that ain't gonna happen." The man retorted back to Scarlett as she and Sarah walked over to where John B was sitting.

"He didn't do anything," Sarah argued.

"Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. I don't care. We let the courts decide. Bring him to the proper authorities." The captain instructed the man who had John B in a chokehold. The man grabbed John B and began dragging him away.

"What are you talking about? Hey, no, no. Listen, listen. I can pay. I can pay you." John B attempted to convince them to let him go.

"You got 50k in your back pocket? If not, bye-bye." The man sassed and John B began taking his backpack off.

One of the men grabbed the backpack out of John B's hands so Sarah went up and grabbed it from the man.

"Easy, girlie." The captain grabbed his gun and stood up as Sarah began digging through the bag. "Slowly." He instructed.

The blonde girl opened one of the pockets and pulled the gold out, holding it high in the air for everyone to see.

"What is that?" The captain suspiciously questioned the girl.

"What's it look like?" Scarlett sassed back to the man as she crossed her arms over her chest and stood close to Sarah, making sure that if anyone tried to touch her, she'd be there to protect her sister.

"Give it to me." The captain demanded as he reached his hand out.

"Give it to him!" One of the other men yelled when Sarah was hesitant to hand the gold over.

"One hundred and forty-three thousand reasons to let us go. More than the bounty." Scarlett looked around and they all just stared at the gold in disbelief.

"I'll tell you what. That is your rescue fee. But I want my bounty too." The captain spoke.

"No, no, no, no!" John B exclaimed as one of the men began to drag him away again. "No! Terrance! Terrance!"

"No. That wasn't the deal!" Sarah yelled.

"Let him go! We have you more than you asked for." Scarlett yelled as well. She lunged at the man who was dragging John B away, but before she could do anything, the girl grabbed Scarlett and held her back. "Don't touch me!" Scarlett yelled as she elbowed the girl in her stomach, causing her to back away and groan.

"Just one! That's just one! Hey! There's more!" John B yelled and everyone stopped in their tracks. "Look, I went to Paradise Island, to their family's house." The brunette gestured towards the twins. "There is hundreds of millions of dollars worth of that gold there. It is an empty, undefended house. They have the entry codes."

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