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I would like to address that I am not romanticizing this in any way! It is a traumatic thing that happens very often.
I am only including this in the story because it leads to something in future chapters. Feel free to skip past this chapter if you are uncomfortable! I totally understand.

Scarlett knew that she needed to get home before she got too comfortable and fell asleep in JJ's arms. She didn't want her dad to be mad at her for not coming home, and she knew she needed to cover for Sarah.

As the blonde girl entered her house, she grabbed a piece of gum like she always does to make sure that no one could smell the alcohol lingering in her breath.

"Dad? Wheez?" Scarlett called out. She looked around the house, and it was empty. No one was home.

She texted Wheezie, asking where everyone was. Apparently, the youngest Cameron sister was at a sleepover with her friends, Ward and Rose went out to some fancy dinner with other Kook parents, and Rafe was God knows where.

Scarlett wandered up the large spiral staircase, walking up to the second floor, which was the floor that her room was on. She approached her bedroom, but the second she walked in, someone grabbed her.

"What the fuck?" The blonde girl yelled as she was grabbed. The person turned her around and she realized that she was standing face to face with Barry. "Barry? What the hell are you doing in my house? No one is even-"

Her words were cut off by Barry punching her across the face, causing her to let out a small cry. She slightly stumbled backward, holding her hand over her cheek which was now stinging.

"What the fuck was that for?" She yelled, staring at the dealer in fear as he stared at her. Anger was an understatement for the emotion he seemed to be feeling at the current moment.

Barry walked up to her, getting closer to her face and nearly whispering to her. "Your big brother decided to buy some drugs from me. He promised he would pay me. He broke that promise. Your daddy found me and beat the shit out of me. I was waiting for Rafe to get home, but your here now. You get the fucking punishment." He whispered in her ear.

Scarlett's instinct was to immediately push Barry away from her, which she did. "Get away from me." She shook her head at the man, tears prickling in her eyes as she knew there was no way of getting out of the room since he was guarding the door.

Barry pulled out his gun, pointing it at Scarlett. A lump grew in her throat as she began to shake. "Get on the bed." He demanded her.

"No." Her voice broke, knowing exactly what his intentions were. "I didn't do anything to you, Barry. Just leave me alone." She tried to convince the man.

Barry lunged at her, grabbing her and forcefully pushing her onto the bed. He quickly climbed on top of her so she had no way out as his body weight was too much for her.

"No! No, no, no!" She yelled, trying to push the man off of her. "Get off!" She cried out. There was no way she was allowing this to happen without a fight. "Get the hell off of me!" She yelled, beginning to punch his stomach and attempting to push him off of her.

"Not going to work, princess. I'd just give up now if I were you." Barry let out a low chuckle as he pinned Scarlett's arms above her head. He stripped her down as she screamed and cried.

"No! Stop!" She cried out as it began. "Let me go! Please! I— I didn't fucking do anything!" She screamed, cried, kicked, etc. She did everything she could to try to prevent it, but Barry was too strong.

"I'm just a kid! I'm six— I'm sixteen! Just please stop." She cried as pain spiked through her body.

"Shut the fuck up!" Barry yelled, hitting her across the face, and causing her to let out another loud cry.

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