What Have You Become?

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There were rustling sounds of the forest. The soft wind blowing around the trees along with the trees dancing together.  Cool wind softly blowing around the area. 

"What did I miss?"  the boy stood there, in the middle of the forest. Sun was setting, and it was becoming dark each minute. 

"What is this place?" asking himself, his gaze drifted off to the dark woods. The place felt well damn familiar, however, he couldn't recall what it is. "Pardon?"  a man called out from behind. The boy turned his head immediately, to see a man laying on a chair, looking at him with intimidating look. 

"Do you even know what you're doing here?" the man asked, as he adjusted his glasses, waiting for the boy's answer. However, from what he's thinking, he doesn't seem to understand where he is. He just looks around, trying to find traces. The man sighed at his quietness, pausing for a moment before responding; 

"You are here, for a total reason. You know that?" he asked. But the boy still stayed silent, just staring at the man, who seems familiar. He tried remembering, yet his memories were too blurry. Like, his whole childhood was a whole blur. 

He adjusted his glasses again, looking over to the boy once again. "I'm here to remind you" he acknowledged; "This isn't the right time-" 

"Wake up. That's the only thing I can say right now." he added, keeping an emotionless face. The boy doesn't seem to understand what the man was talking about. "E-excuse me?" he gulped. "What do you mean? is this a dream?" asking more questions. But, the only answer he got was;

"Wake up."

North White immediately wakes up, breathing heavily as he struggles to take a breath, opening his eyes as he gazes  around the room with exhausted look, while one of the doctors started yelling.

"HE'S WAKING UP! AND HIS HEART IS BACK AT HIS NORMAL PACE!" one of the doctors yelled in cheer, as the other nurses and doctors cheered alongside. They all clapped, only to exhaust North White more as he grows sensitive to the loud sound. "This is actually the first time we ever saved a patient!" the nurse spoke in happiness. 

All of them started helping out, preparing things, then leading his bed to his room. 

{Great White North's POV.} 

My head hurts. What am I doing here? How did I get into this place? I thought. I couldn't really remember how I got into this room. Hell, my head hurts a lot like a truck is crushing my head. But who was that man? He looked kind of familiar. He called me- N-na.... I can't remember much.. But why did he call me that? 

Lots and lots of questions conquered my mind. I looked around with drowsy eyes, as the light triggered my eyesight. Not being able to look around freely. Just the movement of me being carried to wherever this crazy doctor was leading. Then there was footsteps that led nowhere. Yet it grew louder and louder, as I heard a bang on my bed. The person was heavily breathing, I can tell he was shaking. I tried to see clear at the person, blinking my eyes a lot for a better view. 

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