Insane Stranger

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{Chapter 6}

[Russia's POV]

Hell, I let my guard down without knowing and I was too careless about everything that surrounded me.

I quickly dodged his attack. If I was too slow to react or move, I'd probably dead by the time he threw the weapon right onto my head. 

I ran as fast as possible while the flashlight guided me through the dark hallways. Leading myself to, wherever I was going. Within the first glance, I just ran to every way possible. 

Then suddenly, something flew right next to my head with extreme speed and it hit the wall. Took me a second to realize what it was as I ran.


Whoever this stranger is, isn't just any normal stranger. Rather a crazy one!

I didn't even turn back to see him. Luckily, I had found the exit sign to the upstairs. I rushed to where the sign led and attempted to open the door to get up there.

Great, the door to upstairs is locked. Now, another task is added to my list. Open the door with whatever or get the hell out from here through another shitty exit.

I took another turn and ran to a hallway, to the first one I saw, and quickly vanished to it before he sees me. Before the crazy guy gets his axe back from the wall.

All of a sudden, the crazy guy let out a creepy and maniacal giggle out from his disgusting mouth and started to chase after me after a few minutes. 

Quickly as possible, I ran to an open door and hid there. While hiding, I searched the whole room for any weapons. 

There was no good hiding spot neither there was no good weapons yet, he was looking for me. Giggling and muttering like a maniac.

There's 2 options. Hide here or fight whoever that insane dude is. But that'll be too risky since I have nothing to defend myself. Not to mention he has a fking axe.

I fell into my deep thoughts for a moment. I examined the room once again. 

"Haha, this is just bad as a I didn't expect." I muttered under my breathe, to myself. 

It was just a room filled with lots of papers and books, and boxes all over the ground. 

While I examined around the room, taking a slight view to the papers. But what caught my attention was this strange interesting file. There was a boy's picture, who looked so familiar. I couldn't remember who this was. Though, the name was scratched out.

I scrolled through the file, while keeping myself dead silent in the room. There was only echoing sounds in the hallways. The footsteps was getting closer and closer. Slowly it was approaching me. I hope he passes by this door.

[Ukraine's POV]

I got surprised when a loud bang came from the downstairs. probably where Russia is right now. And it sounded like he was running.

At first, I didn't pay attention to it. I thought maybe Russia was just trying to come here as fast as possible he can. 

But as time went by, the echoing sounds got worser. There were lots of loud bangs coming from downstairs. My heartbeat started to increase, I started to feel more scared. Did Russia get into a trouble? what if someone's down there with Russia? What if something bad is happening to him right now? 

All I could hear was my heavy breathing and my heartbeat now. I stood there in the position, frozen. I don't know what to do at this point now.

If Russia is in trouble, then I need to help him. I calmed myself down for a moment, and began to move to find the stairs that leads down. I was trembling a bit but it's not a big deal, for now I guess.

I moved and looked around with my phone's flashlight on, helplessly, through the pitch black hallways. I felt like there was something or someone was watching me as my anxiousness grew. 

I am scared from the dark so much, that's why my anxiousness is growing. Probably, I hope so.

However, is this the best decision out of all? Do I have another choice? hmm, I could wait here but, he needs my help. If it's not something serious, then I'll kill him for scaring me.

Author's note: I just realized my chapters aren't long enough. And it's not detailed with best words. I guess I should work harder? 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay safe! <3

the name tho-

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