Unexpectedly, or Expectedly, God knows.

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{Chapter 7}

[Nobody POV] 

"Are you sure that it's a good idea?" Belarus questioned. A bit worried about the two who went to the abandoned hospital. 

"Yep, I'm pretty sure it's safe to go there, without any problems and worrying. Trust me, alright?" Georgia answered, with confidence.

"You're confident about it, huh? I guess...." she thought for a moment, and came up with "Alright, I'll trust you. But if something bad happens, I'm going to kill you. Did you at least, search the area?" she asked again.

"Yep, I did search, nothing bad was detected. I'm so sure it's safe!! I'm confident about it!" he answered back, ending the conversation.

"Slowly, he approached me... I hope he passes by this door."

Then suddenly, he stopped by the door. Standing RIGHT behind the door. Russia felt his body  froze in time, that sent chills down Russia's spine. He didn't even realize that he stopped breathing. At last, he managed to remain calm after a short time. He took deep breathes, before facing the door again.


The  door swung open. The stranger had entered the room. Surprisingly, he didn't see anyone there. Phew, Russia was quick enough to hide behind the door because there was NO GOOD hiding spot in the room. He was dragging his axe while he entered, searching for Russia. While he entered the room, Russia was about to exit, the quietest he can, without making any sound. 

Right when he was exiting quietly as he could, the strange person giggled at low tone. It sounded sort of  scary. 

Russia knew what the person was up to, or that's what he guessed. He ran at full speed, through the hallways. The strange file being held in his hand.

"Run all you like. However, you can't escape me." The crazy person said. Or perhaps, the crazy CountryHuman. 

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