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{Chapter 10}

"Well well? Look who're back again?"

A figure in a black clothes, with a mask covering his face, spoke. His voice was low, almost as if he was threatening them. He wasn't really the same person from the yesterday's. However, who knows?

[Nobody's POV]

"Russia, let's get out of here! I don't want you to get hurt more worse!!" Ukraine whispered. However, of course Russia wouldn't agree with that. So he just refused, shaking his head.

"No, I can't. I'm tye knly one who can take him down!" He whispered back.

"Like this? Bandaged 2 arms, and 1 leg. You're crazy." Ukraine whispered back again. A little sounding mad.

"You know what, you're never gonna listen to me." She said, before grabbing Russia and dragging him to the outside as hard as she could.

The other two were standing there, looking at these two.

"Ugh, ok ok fine!" Russia replied in annoyance, then looked back at Kaz and America.

"You two, don't you dare lose him. Or else" he gave the two a dead stare, before going up to get outside, while getting dragged by Ukraine aggressively.

There was mere silence between the three, Kazakhstan, America, and another unknown person.

"Well, that was awkward." Started the other person. "He didn't actually lie about you coming here again today." He whispered. "So, are you ready for some fun fight?" He asked calmly.

The two were making weird faces.
"Huh?" America asked.

"Don't make me get frustrated, boy." He said.

"Who are you?!" Kazakhstan yelled at him, waiting for his response. He giggled and gently said, "My apologies, just call me El Tri. And you?"

"El tri? Why does that sound familiar?" US thought, before answering.
"I'm America, and-"

"I'm Kazakhstan." Kaz interrupted Ame. "I can introduce myself, you know"

"Right-" then there was awkward silence again.

Without any warnings, El Tri grabbed a knife from his pocket so fast and began attacking. He was so fast that Kazakhstan was slow to react, while America moved fast enough, along with grabbing another knife, then attacking El Tri back before he could even hurt Kazakhstan.

Kaz was caught surprised by the sudden, fast act of America, like he never knew that he was trained.

It was so dark, still they fought so fast. Each dodged their attacks and each attempted to stab. The fight was just incredible for Kazakhstan to watch. Though he just stood there, unknown of what to do. The fight was getting more hot. After some time, they started getting tired. Now, they were able to stab each other, leaving red marks on each.

Out of nowhere, Kazakhstan came in rushing, then hit El Tri's head so hard with a pan.

"Wow, bro... that was pretty good" America uttered a sigh of relief while El Tri was aggressively breathing heavily. Yet his eyes sparkled when he saw someone or something behind them.

"Ooh... I forgot to introduce someone to you earlier... my apologies." He let out a giggle, then he pointed behind the two, to the other dark hallway.

The two looked back, and only saw a black figure. Before they question, El Tri continued

"That's the man who fought with that big guy earlier, yesterday." Right after, Kazakhstan's eyes become wider. Began filling with anger.

"Well, I'll introduce him, or he'll introduce himself later on. I want the fight to continue. And 2 versus 2 sounds fair enough, yeah?"

"Oh fuck that" US spoke. He then motioned Kaz to El Tri, and went to attack to the man who fought with Russia just yesterday.

This time, he didn't have an axe, he had a knife too.

"A fair fight." The man said, before fighting with America.

On the other hand, Kazakhstan and El Tri had started fighting. Well- maybe a chase since Kazakhstan was not good enought compared to El Tri.

The place was getting hot. A little blood drops everywhere.

"If you don't want to go, we stay outside!" Ukraine yelled at Russia. "I can't make you get any worse by that stupid, crazy, murderer, unknown man! I won't risk that!"

"Woah woah, calm down, it's not that big deal!" Russia spoke. "Really."

"Oh really?" She chuckled, clearly going insane. "Are you out of your mind?! Rus, that would've took your life when you literally--" she paused for a moment, catching her breath. "I am worried for you, Rus. You know that, right?" She asked.

Russia nodded slowly, began realizing that it was stupid to take them down when he's bandaged like everywhere. Then, there was silence again. Both refused to speak for at least, a few minutes.

"I can hear them fighting. It must be hard. However, I can't help.."

After who knows how many minutes, or probably around like, 30 minutes, the 4 of them got so tired, but still fought till their last energy.
Kazakhstan had lost. Him and El Tri were breathing heavily as El Tri hooray'd himself for winning.

Surprisingly, America and Kazakhstan both got into the ground. They both were frustrated, but didn't have enough energy left with them.

"Now now, look who lost." El Tri giggled, then he turned to the man, and nodded.

"Do you want to get his name?" He asked.

"Of course, I am frustrated from calling him a crazy man for hours too! Just goddam tell his name!"

Both of the winners chuckled a little, then

"Alright alright, haha- so his nickname is the Great White North. Sound familiar?"

"Wait..." America thought for a moment.

"And you're?!-"

Author's note: yo, is this going too fast-? If so, tell me :D I'll always be happy to reply to your comment!
Soooo, you probably knew that it was him throughout the entire time- probably lol, ok cya next chapter :))

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