The plan?

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They talked with each other, taking each other's votes, and finally came to the final decision. "We agree."

They had forgotten why they first came to the abandoned hospital. They got fooled by the lady.

But are they really?

- CHAPTER 12 - 

"That's great! Now why don't we take a rest for today, hm? Sounds alright?"

The lady asked. The other four nodded their heads in response. Looking a bit nervous as a cold sweat formed on one's face.

"Great!! Now, my guards will lead you four to your rooms. Please teach them where their rooms are and please follow them." As the lady orders, she went to the other room, what seemed like her office.

"This way," one of the guard said, before moving back to the hallway, leading their ways to their room.

The four followed, a bit speedy. Not trying to lost their trace yet, the guards still walked fast.

As they were on their way to their rooms, you could see the two, known as El Tri, and The Great White North, can be seen through the glassy wall, tied up on their chairs, still unconscious from where America had left them.

The guards led them to their room, well a separate two rooms for each.

But before the four could decide who would want to go with who to the room, the guards used force as they pushed Kazakhstan with Ukraine to the room 1, and the U.S with Russia, without thinking anything, after closing the door with several heavy locks, preventing them from escaping at any hour. Kazakhstan and Ukraine gazed at the guard 1 with shocked looks, while America and Russia looked annoyed, cursing under their breathes. Nevertheless, that wouldn't help them to escape.

"Out of anyone, you?" The American spat, cutting the dead silence. The Russian just looked to the side way, ignoring America.

While Ukraine, took out a paper and a pen from her pocket.

"Where'd you get that?" The Kazakh asked, Ukraine looked at him with a smirk, "I got it while someone weren't looking at me."

"What a snitch, like you used to be when we were young!" A warm smile started to form on Kazakhstan's face, and a giggle from Ukraine.

"So, what are you gonna do with that paper and pen?"

She mumbles something under her breathe, however, it was too quiet for Kaz to hear.

"A what?"

Ukraine moved closer to him, then placing her hand on Kaz's ear, preventing from getting the words from getting heard.

"I have an idea, well an escape plan."

She whispered, a small smirk appearing on her expressions.

"Ooh, oh ho!! T-thats–"

She quickly covered his mouth, "Don't say it out loud."

The Kazakh nodded nervously, as she began explaining the plan to him.


America laid against the wall, trying to keep space between themselves, as the Russian stuck to the other side, minding their own business.

Then, a paper suddenly fell from the corner that was left side of Ame.

Russia noticed the paper fall first, and went to reach it. When he grabbed it, he looked ag the wall once again. It seems that there was a small hole, that connected the two rooms. He turned his head to look at the person whom he was in with the room.

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