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I knew it was a bit odd that my day was suspiciously good. It was all until I had a conversation with my mother about my school work, and it only took me 2 minutes to start crying and getting frustrated.

I was just told that I shouldn't be 'biased' and think that I 100% have ADHD, which really really hurt.

I get that other people have their struggles, but others will always struggle to see mine.

As a teenage girl who grew up in a good family, that has money, that has privilege, no kind of huge traumatic background, hasn't undergone any major changes in my life like moving to a different country— I am automatically, "fine".

However, for some reason, my mental state seems a lot more frail than some people I've seen that do not have all of those things I've listed.

So, it's hard to believe someone that is considered "lucky" like me, is extremely unhappy everyday.

I'm so frustrated. It's not fair.


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