Crossing border

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Khalid began typing something into his laptop when his phone rang. He glanced at the screen.

Unknown number. The area code was +44.

"England." Khalid thought. "Fajr!! Who else could that be?"

His heart started to race. He quickly picked it up as if afraid of missing the call. "Hello?"

"Mr. Khalid?" Reyhan's voice crackled through the line, soft and hesitant.

Khalid's heart sank with disappointment. It wasn't Fajr.

"Yes? May I know whom am I speaking with?"

In a polite, and very English accent, Reyhan continued, "Yes, it's me. Reyhan Ehsanli... I don't know if you have heard this name before..."

Khalid sat back in the chair and looked across the office, digging in his memory. He repeated the name to himself, Reyhan! He knew this name from somewhere.

"It's the name of the woman in London, with whom  Fajr remained in contact through email."

"Yes, I've heard of you, of course."

"I know this is out of the blue, but could I please talk to you for a minute?"

A pause, filled with the sound of Khalid's indrawn breath. "Sure, go ahead."

"I know I might not have the right to intervene, butFajr is like a daughter for me and I think this is necessary for both of you."

The following conversation was a tightrope walk. Khalid listened very carefully.

At last, Reyhan said; "One call from you can fix things. It's said speaking kindly to plants helps them grow. Imagine what it can do to humans."

"Mrs. Reyhan, I really appreciate what you are trying to do, but you should know that it wasn't me who asked her to leave... I was even ready to accompany her but..."

Reyhan didn't let him finish, "I know that, my son. Maybe she had her reasons... what I can  assure you, at this moment, is that she needs you."

Concern gave way to an alarmed tone.

"Is she okay?"

"Oh yes, pretty well."

"And uncle Muhsen?"

"I'm sorry to say he is suffering badly."

After some hesitation, Khalid asked with a hint of hope, "Did Fajr ask you to talk with me?"

A feeling caught in the middle.

"No, not really."

When the call ended, Khalid was left with a mixture of feelings.


At night, the air, still tinged with the day's heat, draped over Jeddah like a silken cloak, carrying whispers of the desert's warmth. Yet, a cool, refreshing breeze, born from the nearby Red Sea, danced through the streets, bringing with it the scent of sea and salt.

Khalid turned on a lamp in the bedroom and sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard and looking around the room with a sense of loss. Disturbed by mere thoughts, he reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a pack of cigarettes, lighting one quickly and sucking in the smoke with a deep breath. The cigarette threatening to spill its ashes on the plush grey carpeting. He flicked ashes from his cigarette into the silver ashtray. The images of the dream were fresh in his mind. A gloom overcame him. He made his way out to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, gulping it down. The dream that woke him from his slumber was filled with Fajr's tears, she was alone in the middle of a strange gloomy place. He closed his eyes, shook the image off and made his way down the hall to the bathroom.

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