15. Breaking from two lines

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Day 13

Two lines. The only things I didn't want to see at this point. Anything would have been better. My entire world crashed down the second I took this pregnancy test. Silent tears fell down my face. Crying was becoming more consistent in my life compared to before.

I heard a knock on the metal door of my stall. "Lady you've been in there for 30 minutes. I need to pee," she told me urgently. I guess having a mental breakdown does make time fly.

I wiped my tears and threw the test in the garbage. The airport only has a small bin for sanitary napkins. I guess I won't be using one of those for the next 9 months.

I open the stall and walk out. Glaring at anything in my path. Emotions are a weakness. Without any, people won't mess with you. Parker and Benoit are probably waiting. When out of the woman's bathroom I see my well-dressed family members standing there looking worried as fuck. Losers.

"Where the hell were you? Who stays in the bathroom for 45 fucking minutes?" My father yells. To correct him, I went to a little shop in the airport and got a pregnancy test then, 15 minutes later went to the bathroom. My mental breakdown only lasted 30 minutes.

"I took a shit" I simply answer. Sometimes the smallest answers are the most effective because once I said that they both shut up and started walking. I follow beside them, bags already in hand.

Everything around me is so... French. I mean I am in France but damn. Didn't think I would need to use my bilingual skills this much.

Why did I expect them to have a car? Of course, they have a limo. Why wouldn't they? I thought they would have at least tried to cover up the fact that they are fucking millionaires, but I guess they just don't care. I almost take offence to how much they aren't covering it up. I mean they will most definitely lie about their professions, and I will obviously try to cut holes into their story, whatever it ends up being, but they think that I will not be smart enough to figure it out.

"Come on Anna we're here." Benoit's voice cuts through my thoughts. Still never going to get used to the fucking nickname Anna. The only things I've ever been called that weren't my name were not exactly nice words and obviously Tana.

The house that I'm looking at is gorgeous. The castle-like building made me stare in awe. I was truly amazed. I mean I'm not surprised they have this building in their possession, I'm surprised they have a good enough eye to find this kind of extravagant architecture. The archways at the bottom create different sections for the door and windows. The sand-like brick decorates the exterior. The flowers add just enough colour to make it look like less of a prison. I love this house.

Parker looks at me a chuckles. "Are you surprised we own such a property?" he questions. Who asks that? Like seriously. If I showed someone a diamond ring that showed that I was engaged, I wouldn't ask people "Are you surprised I found a man that loves me" That doesn't make sense.

My face immediately became emotionless as I walked towards the building, not bothering to answer his herendes question. I reach the door and examine it. His doorbell looks like it's worth more than my life. I mean the cheer detail that thing holds. The dragon is carved into the metal framing. The bell looks like it would sell for millions. Who buys an expensive doorbell?

The door opens without me touching it. Creepy much? I don't get to be stuck in my thoughts for long as I hear many voices yell random things that I can't even put in a sentence. I hear things like "back, Anna, god, pretty, woah, believe" Those words don't form a sentence at all.

"Everyone shut up" Parker yells louder than everyone else. As if they were scared of Parker they all shut up. Are they scared? Does he- hit his family? He doesn't seem like the type. But I've already been fooled I won't be fooled again.

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