Chapter 31: The Child Won't Shut Up

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Wilbur POV

Welp, this is awkward. Tommy and I are standing there, facing Dream on the other side of us. Neither side speaking first, and with the tension between all of us, it's really, really, really awkward. Extremely awkward. After a while, I got tired of this awkward silence waiting for Dream to speak. "I'd say, we fought well, yes?" I said, and Dream, the green bastard, smirks. "Uh, you can say that..." he replies, and begins to laugh. "YOU-" Tommy starts, but I shot him a look to shush. To be honest, I was having trouble trying to keep myself calm, and not punching the most powerful man on the server in the face. "What do you mean, you could say that?" I ask, fists clenching. "You fought well. You fought well! With how much you were against, you fought well. You had such a big disadvantage that-" Dream explained, before getting cut off by Tommy, which made his fists clench in anger. If I could see his face, I'm certain I would see his eyes fill up with anger. "Dream, don't say that to us. We fought incredibly, alright?" Tommy says.

"You fought-"

"You egotistical green-"

"You fought incredibly well. We just fought a little bit better." Dream finally said, with a smirk. With Tommy's face, I knew something bad is about to happen. "DREAM - YOU KNOW - OH YEAH! YOU KNOW - YEAH! YOU KNOW WHAT?" Tommy shouted, and I shot him a warning glance. "Tommy..." I begin to warn, but like always, he never listens. "WHY DON'T WE FIGHT RIGHT NOW?!" Tommy yells, and I shake my head, watching the two get angrier by the second. Tommy incredibly loud with it, and Dream letting his anger fuel in silence. "WHY DON'T WE FIGHT RIGHT NOW?!" Tommy repeated. "Tommy, calm" I say, worried, yet still knowing, he's going to say, or do something he'll regret. "JUST ONE VERSUS ONE! WHY DON'T WE HAVE A LITTLE BOW DUEL ON HALF A HEART?! I'M ALREADY ON A HALF A HEART! WHY DON'T WE JUST HAVE A 1V1, ALRIGHT?! ONE-MAN SHOWDOWN, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Tommy continues, and that's why I should've left him at home. "Tommy, your passion will get you nowhere!" I try to interject, but oh my god, this child will not shut up. "YOU EGOTISTICAL SON OF A BITCH! YOU SELF OBSESSED GREEN BASTARD!" he says. Finally, Dream had enough. "Tommy" Dream says, voice calm, yet laced with venom. Like Y/N's voice when Alyssa is mentioned. Annoyed, I drag Tommy to the side, and resist the urge to drag him all the way back to L'Manburg. I turn back to Dream. "I promise you this man does not speak for me, alright? This..." I trail off, as Tommy interrupts again, and leaves my grasp. "Dream, let's duel! Let's do it, Dream! Let's do 1v1!" Tommy calls to Dream. This is it, we are dead. I take a large inhale. "What was the one thing I asked, Tommy?" I mutter, with a glare. Dream clears his throat, and we both turn to look at him once more. "What's the details of the 1v1?" he asks, amused. "Half a heart. Bow duel. Ten paces. We shoot each other." Tommy replies, almost instantly. I shake my head. This will not end well. "And what happens- If you win, what happens? And what if I win?" Dream asks, and I shoot a quick glance at Tommy. "Don't do anything stupid" I thought silently, but of course, he will anyway. "You know, listen, Dream. I know what you want." Tommy said calmly, yet surely. "I know you want this win. One versus one for L'Manberg. Me versus you." he said, looking Dream dead in the eyes. Dream stepped closer to Tommy. "If you win, then you can have independence. Okay? If you lose, you don't get independence, I get Mellohi." Dream states, staring at Tommy. Tommy looked hesitant for a second. "The disc..." he said, looking down, and then at L'Manburg. "Deal." he said. I stood there, shocked. "Oh, one more thing, if I win, I get a favour, a blank check, if you will. To be cashed in at the time of my choosing" he said, turning to look at me. "Tommy, are you sure you want to do this?" I ask, full sincerity. Tommy nods. "For the independence" he says. I smile at him, proud of him. Despite all his childish tendency, he has a big heart. I turn back to Dream. "Well, Dream, you've got yourself a deal." Dream made a call for Sapnap to grab two poison potions, and we made our way back to L'Manburg, to get my team, and get ready for possibly the most important bow deal in history. 


Wilbur came back, with Tommy, and none of them would meet my eyes. They spoke to Fundy, Niki, Tubbo, and Jack privately, before Wilbur pulled me to a corner. "Me and the others are needed to negotiate a deal with Dream. Can you stay here, and defend, in case anything happens?" Wilbur asked. I nod, although I definitely won't. You can tell when the one you care about most is lying to your face. Wilbur's telltale sign is when he fidgets with his buttons on his L'Manburg suit, and doesn't meet your eyes. They are doing something, and he doesn't want me seeing it. So obviously, I follow behind, quietly so they don't notice. That's when I see the whole Dream team standing there, with two bows, two bottles of poison, and 2 stacks of arrows, glinting brightly in the sun's light. "What the hell are they doing" I thought to myself, until Sapnap hands Tommy the poison, a stack of arrows, and a bow. That's when I realize. He's doing a fucking bow duel. "Tommy, don't do this! Your life is worth more than L'Manburg!" I shout. Tommy is good with a bow, I know for a fact that Dream is much, much better. Tommy shook his head. "Y/N! Look around us! Alright? For the independence." he replied, and I shook my head. Before I could reply, or go to Tommy, or anything, Dream made a gesture to Punz, George, and Sapnap, and then they came over to me, covered my mouth, and held me back. I look over at Wilbur, and he shook his head and looked away. Why is he letting this happen? Why does it look like he doesn't care at all? Tommy takes one look at all of us, before taking his 10 paces. 

"1!" Tommy has a look of fear on his face. 

"2" Dream takes his steps calmly, looking unbothered by it all.

"3" Niki grips onto Fundy, who hold each other close in panic. 

"4" Wilbur counts paces, trying to hide the emotion of it all, and be a strong president. 

"5" Sapnap and George laugh with each other and joke around. They're not worried, Dream's much stronger, and has better aim. 

"6" I struggle against the people holding me back. I don't want Tommy getting shot. 

"7" Tommy adjusts the bow in his hand, as beads of sweat file on his forehead. He was nervous. Scratch that. He was very, very nervous. 

"8" Dream adjusts his mask, still seemingly unbothered by this fight. 

"9" The both of them ready themselves to grab the arrow as soon as possible, and shoot at the other. 


"10 paces, fire!"

A/N: Two chapters in one day! YEAH!!!!! Ending it off with a classic cliffhanger :). So excited, for this. Also, I wanted to give you all some sort of schedule of what happens first, and stuff. So after I finish this book, I'm going to very quickly edit all of it, fix small plot holes, etc, cause, let's be honest, the first few chapters were shit. I'd like to think I've improved from then, but idk. Anyway, I want to edit that first so I can post the first chapter of the new book ASAP, and if people find that book first, when they come back here, they aren't reading cringe :D. Anyway, if you have any suggestions/other things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Thank you so much for reading, and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1406 words :0

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