Chapter 10: I Think I'm In Love

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"Y/N, what are you doing?" 

I look at him wide-eyed. He was here! "Where were you?" I ask. "Busy." he said, with a dry response. "With what?" I say, more curious. "With stuff that's none of your concern. What were you doing?" he replies, brushing off the topic. I try to keep calm, and remember I have a cover to keep, but anger fills me before that. How dare he ask me for answers when I get none?! At least treat your hostages with proper respect. I ignore him for long enough that he starts to get annoyed. "Y/N, what were you doing?" he asks, more firm this time. "Cleaning up the area. Just because it's a musty, dusty prison doesn't mean I can't keep my area clean. Or is that a crime now?" I ask sarcastically. "Wow. What's got you so upset?" he asked. "I wanted to visit a friend, not get attacked." he said, which made me more angry. "Friends? We're friends? Are you serious? That's why I'm sitting in a prison of your doing. That's why I haven't seen my brother, or my friends in the SMP. We are not friends, Wilbur Soot. We are enemies, and always will be until the day when L'Manburg is destroyed and gone. And I promise you, I will make sure that happens" I swore, staring at him angrily through the mask. Wilbur just looked at me blankly, almost as if he were hurt. "I'm sorry, Y/N," was all he said before he left. That's when the wave of guilt hit me. I unnecessarily rude to him when all he did was come to visit. Yes, he was gone for a while, and wouldn't give me answers, it was probably for good reason. And he called me a friend! What I did wasn't really friendly. Ugh, what's wrong with me! Why do I care so much now, when back on the SMP, I had no problem telling my friends, or even my brother off when they did something wrong! I never felt guilt with them! I need to leave, soon. This place is turning me soft. Or possibly, something even worse, which I'm starting to think is true. Am I in love with Wilbur Soot?

I sit in silence in my cell. I deserve to be in it, don't I? No, L'Manburg is evil, Dream told me all the bad things they have done, and now they are trying to take our land. I can't be the thing that makes them lose, even though this is all Alyssa and her friend's fault. Ugh, I hate them. I hope Dream kicked her out, or put her in a cell, or something. I can never be sure with him, as she can sometimes be a good warrior and asset to the team. But he wouldn't choose to keep her on the team even though she kidnapped me, even though she can help us win, right? Nah, he'd put her in a cell and get answers. 

The guilt ate through me all day, and nothing could distract me from it, not even Tubbo, who noticed, but dropped it when I said it was just homesickness. Wilbur didn't visit all day, which made me really guilty. I really messed up, didn't I? It is now night, and I gaze out the tiny window, trying to see the stars. I spot a few of my favourites, but it's hard to get a good view through a prison window. Suddenly, Wilbur comes in, looks at me and what I'm doing, unlocks my cell, and utters a single word, a word that makes me happy he spoke, but sad he didn't say more, along with a thousand other thoughts connected to him rushing through my head, including my possible feelings. "Come." 

We walk in silence, and he leads me to a hill, which was perfect for stargazing, and was high enough to see all of L'Manburg. "You were trying to stargaze, but that window won't let you see much. This hill is the best for stargazing in all of L'Manburg" he said, smiling sadly. "Wilbur, I'm so sorry for-" I started, but he stopped me. "We both did something we aren't proud of. Can we pretend that moment never existed?" he pleaded, and I slightly nodded. "What moment?" I asked, and he smiled. We sit in silence, staring at the stars. "I was wondering, do you like L'Manburg? Aside from being forced here being a hostage and all?" he whispered, still staring at the stars. I smile sadly. "I hate to admit it, but yes, it is nice here." I whisper-replied, half knowing what his next question was. "What was the SMP like?" he whispered again, turning to face me. Butterflies immediately fill my stomach as he looks at me, and I laugh a bit. "Why are we whispering?" He raises an eyebrow in response, knowing full well how I'm trying to avoid the question, and letting me know he knows. I sigh. "The SMP is... complicated" I finally say, my mind already going down memory lane. He nods at me to continue, and I look around. I trust Wilbur, and other than me and the fireflies, he's the only one here. "When we were children, before my parents died from illness, we always had fun. Me, him George, and Sapnap, we were like a team. We fought with bows and arrows, and swords and axes, not because we needed to, but it was expected for us to know these things, well, him more than me though, as we were next in line to rule. However, when my parents died, everything changed. We were both 14. Shortly after that, well..." I stated sadly. "The war started" Wilbur continued for me. "We had to train and guard and plan twice as hard. We had to win. He was hard on everyone, but since I was his sister, I was pushed the hardest, expected to do twice as good. But he never let me go out, use my skills. Until my first mission, which was the mission with my former best friend, Alyssa. We were getting food and supplies, when she backstabbed me. Gave me a potion of weakness in a cake, and had me taken away, and here we are" I say bitterly, just the thought of Alyssa made me upset. "Then why did you try to leave?" Wilbur asked, confused, which confused me as well. "Pardon?" I ask. He couldn't know, he couldn't know, he couldn't know, he couldn't know, he couldn't know- "I know what you were doing that day. It was fairly obvious. I know you have Jacks key, I saw it in that mouse hole, I know all about all of it. But why? What about Tubbo, or Tommy, whom I know you've been getting close to. What about me?" he asks, sadly. I look away sadly. "You, Tubbo, and Tommy, are all very important to me and close in my hearts. But Dream's my brother. Sapnap and George are practically my brothers too. I can't just abandon them." I say, looking down sadly. He looks down too. "Then I have something to admit. The reason I didn't visit is because of Dream. He launched attacks, knowing you're here. I had to deal with those. And I'm sorry, as a friend, to have kept you hostage, and to have not visited you. So for peace, I am letting you go." I sat there shocked. When we first went out stargazing, that's not what I thought would happen. "Go" he said, sadly, bitterly, yet surely. I stood up, slowly. "After this, what will we be?" I say, willing myself not to cry. "We will be enemies, and always will be until the day when L'Manburg is destroyed and gone." he quotes, a sad smile on his face. I look at him, and made either the smartest or dumbest decision of my life. I take off my mask, the first time revealing it to anyone other than my brother since the death of my parents, and I kissed him on the cheek. If I hadn't confirmed to myself I liked him, I would've known now, this moment never to be forgotten in my head. His face turned a shocked red, and I start to run back to the SMP. After almost leaving the gates of L'Manburg, I look back to the hill, with the stars and fireflies, making it look almost unreal, with Wilbur standing on it, watching me leave. "Goodbye, Wilbur Soot" I whisper, before running again, back to the SMP. 

A/N: OMG, THEY KISSED?! Albeit on the cheek, but still. I can't believe it, even though I wrote it. I can just imagine Y/N sitting on a hill, stargazing, and looking at the stars, Wilbur right beside her, enjoying the night, hoping it would never end. Butterflies flutter in both stomachs, aww. Anyways, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1534 words. 

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