Chapter 3: The Win

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"She won."


       I can't believe it, I won! I feel like screaming with joy, but since I'm in a room full of people, including my brother, I just stand there silently. Then, Dream storms out of the room, obviously angry. This causes everyone else to start to leave, until only George and Sapnap remain. They are like brothers to me, and I could tell by the looks on their faces that they didn't want me to go out and fight. "Y/N, why? You could've stayed here, instead of having to live a life of fighting" Sapnap said sadly. "Don't you know the dangers of going out there, of fighting?" George agrees. I sigh sadly, "I can't stay here forever, and you know it has always been my dream to leave here. I just hope you can accept that, and help me with it." They both look at me, still with sadness, but also a bit of pride. "How about tomorrow you head out with Alyssa, and help her collect some food, so you can get a hang of outside the Greater SMP before the big fight? We will talk to Dream, don't worry." Sapnap says, with a small smile. I smile, thinking excitedly about my first mission, but then frown, thinking about my literal fight with my brother a few seconds earlier, and how he stormed out of the room. George and Sapnap looked at each other, almost as if reading my mind and knowing exactly what I'm thinking about. "He cares about you, you know." George says sadly. "More than he cares about any of us. He has seen how dangerous L'Manburg is, and how most of them would do anything to get what they want. He doesn't want you hurt. Think about it in his shoes" I think about it, and then realize. I wouldn't want him hurt, either, and putting himself in dangerous situations where he could possibly die. I know what I have to do.

Dream POV

       I walk down the halls to my room, with my mind still racing after what happened. She won, I can't believe she won. She never has before. I shouldn't of been so cocky and made that stupid bet! A mix of emotions goes through my head; anger and sadness, for me being so cocky, for her winning, for me making that stupid bet in general. Fear, for her first mission being a failure, and for her getting hurt, or worse. Shock, because I never expected her to win. After all, she never has before, even though our last practice fight was a bit over a month ago. She must have trained a lot since then. Finally, I feel a bit of pride, for reasons you can probably guess. I go into my room and slam the door shut. I have to think of some sort of plan, some sort of loophole, to get out of this, to prevent her from leaving, but I can't. How am I supposed to be 1000 IQ if I can't even save my own sister. While I contemplated my next moves, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I call out, and in come Sapnap and George. George looks at me with a bit of sympathy, as he sees how I'm worried about Y/N. However, Sapnap looks at me and scoffs. "Why weren't we invited to this pity party?" I roll my eyes and glare at Sapnap through my mask to get him to shut up, and it works. "I don't want Y/N to get hurt, or killed, or worse!" I say, projecting my frustration for Y/N. "Well, how about you send her with Alyssa? She can help Y/N if something happens" George says, being the voice of reason. I consider it. I do trust Alyssa, and she is an okay fighter... "Fine." I say resentfully. "If anything happens..." I warn, but Sapnap and George gets the threat without me having to finish it. "Should we fetch Alyssa for you?" George asks. "Yes" I say with a sigh, rubbing my forehead. "And Y/N." 

Alyssa POV

       I quickly walk to Dream's private meeting room as fast as I can without seeming desperate. Being summoned by him for something not in a large group setting is extremely rare, so I want to make it happen more often, so then he will like me more, and we can become closer. "Maybe he wants to give me another mission, a secret one", I think, but as I open the door to the meeting room, I quickly realize that this is most likely not the case. Because, although I see Dream in there, waiting expectantly for me to arrive, there is also Y/N, sitting there right beside him, looking excitedly, well, from what I can tell under her mask. She couldn't let me have this moment alone with Dream, ugh, I push back the urge to roll my eyes. "Alyssa, glad you could join us" Dream said. I smile, wondering why Y/N was looking at me so excitedly. "Hello, Dream", I say sweetly. "Hello Y/N" I say also, trying to match the tone.  "Let's get right to it, shall we? Tomorrow, I'd like you to take Y/N with you on your mission to the wood, to get her used to outside this base's borders, before the big fight in the evening. Is that okay with you?" Dream asks, looking at me questionably. "That girl has to worm her way into everything" I thought angrily. My solo mission, where I could finally get Dream to notice me, to like me as more than just a soldier, or even a friend. To be lovers with Dream... but Y/N gets in the way. I can't believe I have to pretend to be her friend. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. If only Y/N didn't always get in the way... "Of course I will take Y/N with me, Dream. She is my best friend, and you're one of my friends too!" I say with a big smile. Dream seems to relax a bit, and smiles warmly. "Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Y/N says, smiling through her mask like she won the lottery. I smiled back, not meaning it at all. Having to practically be her babysitter, ugh. But as I walk out of the room to my house, plans racing though my head like a tornado, one sentence cycles in my head.


"If only Y/N didn't always get in the way."

A/N: 3rd chapter and things are getting started! So many plans for the next few chapters that I can't wait to write. What do you think will happen? Make sure to comment! I can't wait to hear your theories! Thanks for reading this far, make sure to eat food, drink water, and remember we all love you, and you are cared for <3. Stay safe, and see you next chapter!

1160 words

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