Chapter 7: Life in Prison

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Dream POV

5 minutes earlier:

 Sapnap and George burst in the room, out of breath. They only say one name, but that name made me want to start killing. "Alyssa" Sapnap said, looking as if he ran a mile just to tell me the news, gasping for breath. "She's here."

Me, George, and Sapnap all march towards the front doors, where Alyssa was standing. Before I had the chance to speak, she cut me off with a few words of her own. "Oh, Dream!" she gasped. "Y/N, she", and then she burst into obviously fake tears. Sapnap and George both look at me with a look that says, "seriously, can you believe this girl?". Alyssa, however, was oblivious to the looks the boys gave me, and kept crying until saying, "Y/N ran away. I tried to stop her Dream, but she knocked me out. She kept going on and on about you controlling her and about hating her! I'm so sorry, Dream! Please forgive me!" she said, looking at me with tears in her eyes. "Um... let me talk with Sap and George for a sec in the other room first, so we can decide together" I say, staring her down, and before anyone could say a word, I drag them to the other room. We close the door, and start to whisper. "She doesn't know what I saw!" I say, amazed on how someone could be so stupid. "Yeah, so? We do, let's throw her in the jail for what she did" Sapnap said angrily. "But wait" I say, an idea forming in my mind. "But what, Dream?" George asks, confused. "Yeah, what is there to wait for, Dream? She literally organized the kidnapping of Y/N." Sapnap said. "Yeah, but if we throw Alyssa in the prison, chances are she won't say a thing. If we act like we don't know what she did, she might mess up and spill everything" I say. "And this is why you are in all the 1000 IQ moment compilations" Sapnap says, grinning for the first time in weeks. I look away, thinking about how if I got to Y/N sooner, I could've saved her. It's my fault for trusting Alyssa and letting Y/N go on the mission anyway. I look out the window in silence, until I finally speak. "I just hope this plan works"


"So you're Dream's sister, huh?" Thunder said, glaring at me. "Obviously" I reply, rolling my eyes. Thunder lunged at me, but can't touch me because of the bars. "Don't roll your eyes at me" he growled, as if he could tell I was under my mask. "Your brother Dream has caused all the wars and battles and bloodshed here. He has done everything he could to hurt and manipulate every single person here. I hate him, and a lot of others do too, yet he is untouchable. But you aren't. So you better treat me with the most respect you have ever given, which considering your family, isn't that much. If you don't, you'll be sorry". I laugh at his pathetic excuse for a threat. Like, have you met my brother, and the rest of the Dream Team? They could do better in their sleep. "You think this threat will scare me? Oh no, how scary, I'm shaking in my boots! Now listen here asshole, you place one finger on me, and my brother would take pleasure removing that finger, slowly, and painfully, and that would be on his good days. You think he is powerful? I beat him in a 1v1, and trained with him since we were children. I wear this mask, just like him. I can fight, just like him. And if you dare hurt me, you won't just have me, or Dream against you. You will have the whole fucking SMP, just wanting to kill you. Cause we have power, and all you have is your drug van." I lunge at him for effect, which causes him to jump back in surprise. "So threaten me again, Thunder. Fucking come fight me, I dare you, because I will have no mercy" I say, my mask glaring menacingly with the light reflecting off the windows. He says nothing, staring at me like he couldn't believe a word I said. "Are you scared? All that big talk gone as soon as I spoke for myself?" I laugh. I put him in a rock and a hard place. If he comes in and fight me, he could get beaten up, and I could escape. If he doesn't fight me, it would be proof he is scared of me, which would be very embarrassing for him, which would be very hurtful to his pride. And Thunder seems like a very prideful man. "So what's it gonna be?" I say, staring him down. Then he got up. 

Despite what I said about mercy, I am pretty merciful. To show I'm a merciful person, he got off with a black eye, a bloody nose, a bruised rib, and knocked unconscious. I debated trying to make a run for it, but there were 2 dozen guards on post/patrolling. Instead, I carefully took the keys out of his pockets, and slipped it in a mouse hole I found in the wall of the cell, barely visible as it's covered by the bed frame. Perfect. It was only a few seconds until a guard walked by to see me sitting down in my unlocked cell beside a beat up Thunder, who was taken out of the cell immediately and taken to the hospital. Luckily, they didn't notice that I have his keys. Which means I'll be able to make my escape very soon. An hour later, Wilbur came to my cell, staring at me intently. I knew he was most likely to come, as I had severely wounded one of his men to the point where he's unconscious. "Y/N" he said sternly, staring at me intently. "Wilbur" I said in an innocent sweet tone. "First off, how did you get Jack into your cell?" Wilbur asked. "He threatened me, I threatened him, went back and forth until he had to fight for his pride" I shrugged. Wilbur looked at me. "You really are Dream's sister." he said, shaking his head. "Never denied it" I said, adjusting my mask to prove a point. "The thing is, why would you manipulate Jack into coming into your cell? What would be the point?" he said, raising his eyebrows. "Oh no, he's catching on" I think to myself, but I force myself to stay calm. "What else am I supposed to do in this cell? It's boring in here. Also, I have to keep my skills sharp" I say, trying to act convincingly. "So you don't mind if a couple guards and I come in here and search?" he says, like he knows something he shouldn't. I muster a brave voice. "Make yourself at home!" I say cheerfully, smiling under my smile mask. 

A/N: Oooooh, Thunder (or Jack, but Y/N call's him Thunder because they're not friends quite yet) got beat up good! We really showed him! Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter, it's one of my faves :)      

Word count: 1242 words. 

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