Chapter 15: Weaknesses

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Dream POV:

Ever since we went to L'Manburg to blow it all up, and failed, the SMP has become a laughingstock to all. I don't even know who told them, as no one knew but our spy, although he hasn't contacted us for a while... The weirdest thing isn't that, though, but Alyssa's has been acting different since what happened there. Maybe she's just embarrassed, but still, she wasn't ever like this before, even when everyone here beat her in a fight. Finally, the worst thing is that Y/N has completely disappeared off of everyone's radar. No one has heard a word from her since she has left here after knocking George out. I sure hope nothing happened to her because of all this drama she's causing. Like, jeez, stop being so dramatic. Anyway, I call George and Sapnap into the room, so we can make a plan on what we should do for next steps, so we can win this war as quick as possible. "OMG, Dream, did you hear the rumours about X?" George asks, almost excitedly.  "Um... Who's X?" I reply, confused. "That's what George decided to call the mystery girl, from L'Manburg." Sapnap stated, almost bored. George started talking extremely fast, saying "Apparently she was blessed by the goddess of death, and could kill someone with a thought, and was trained by the blood god, and-", "We'll stop you there", Sapnap cut in, giving me a look saying he heard all of Georges 'theories'. "I didn't tell you the most important one, I heard some villagers talking, saying that she knows things, like where people lurk, which could help us with the Y/N problem. Also, it's obvious Wilbur cares for her somehow, which could help us with our L'Manburg problem!" George said excitedly. "Hmmmmmmmmm, he is right about both of those, but she's good a fighting, way better than you" Sapnap said, which gained him one threatening look. "Yeah, she beat you and Alyssa up! Especially Alyssa" George smirked and I, laughed. "Why doesn't he get the threatening glare, but I do?" Sapnap whined jokingly, which caused us to laugh. "George has pretty privilege" I shrugged, which caused all of us to laugh. "DNF confirmed" George says. "Yeah, he's like your weakness" Sapnap adds, which gives me an idea. "And Wilbur is probably X's..." I mutter, and the others look at me weirdly. "Are you making a plan, Dream?" George asks, and I slightly nod. "Call our spy, we'll need his help for this." I say, and the boys run out. "Let the games begin..."


Wilbur and I have been hanging out more and more lately, and it's been harder and harder to deny the feelings to myself. I don't want these feelings, I don't want to even care about anyone, because even being friends with someone gets me hurt, but the people in L'Manburg are all so nice, like, how can you not be friends with Tubbo when he gives you a pet bee and takes you to a flower field to hang out? How can you not be friends with Tommy when he invites you to listen to his music discs, or takes you with him to pull a prank on someone, or asks you how you are doing, more times in a day than your brother in a lifetime? How could you not like Wilbur, when he takes you stargazing every night, makes you laugh every 30 seconds, and is one of the kindest people you ever met, even when I was his country's hostage. I smile whenever I think of him, although I wish I didn't. It would be safer for the both of us that way. "What are you thinking about?" Wilbur asks, and I jump, falling off the chair I was sitting on. He starts laughing uncontrollably, I get up off the floor sheepishly. He continues to laugh, which causes me to start to laugh too. "When did you come in here? I didn't notice you enter!" I said, which made him laugh again. "5 minutes ago, but you were too busy staring into space to notice. What were you thinking about?" he said, smirking. "What were you looking at for the 5 minutes you sat in here for" I raised my eyebrows in response, and we both laughed awkwardly and looked away. "So, ummm" Wilbur awkwardly said. "Would you like to go out on a picnic in half an hour?" Wilbur asked. "Oh, umm, sure. Let me just go get my stuff from my room. Meet at the hill?" I ask, and he nods. Ever since we had that first stargazing trip on the hill, we hang out there really often. Except we don't kiss. We haven't mentioned that at all, and probably never will. I go to my room and grabbed my sword just in case, as well as some muffins I had baked recently, using BadBoyHalo's recipe of course! I ran to the hill, where Wilbur sat, looking up at the sky. "What are you thinking about?" I ask, sitting down beside him. "Everything and nothing, and whatever's in between." Wilbur replies, looking at the clouds. "Oh?" I ask, taking out a muffin, and offering one to Wilbur, which he accepted. We sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the beautiful, sunny, sky above. "What are we, Y/N?" Wilbur asked, turning to me. "I mean, that night, I can't stop thinking about it." he continues, looking at me for an answer. I sat for a moment, what are we? Friends?  Enemies? Lovers? "I'm not sure what we are." I finally say, contemplating everything. "I mean, do you want to be anything?" Wilbur asks, his face almost hopeful. "I don't know, the last few times people meant something to me, bad stuff happened. People sacrificed my happiness for their own." I say, reminders of Alyssa and Dream filling my brain. "I don't want to get attached to people, not yet", I say finally, and the look on his face kills me, then kills me again in the afterlife. The look of sadness disappears after a second, with a fake smile on his face instead. "Okay!" he replies, and we go back to looking at the sky. Suddenly, Tommy comes, along with Tubbo and Eret. "ARE YOU ON A DATE, WILBUR? WITH AN AMERICAN?" Tommy yelled. Wilbur blushed, and I did under my mask. "Tommy, calm down, it's none of our business" Tubbo states calmly. "Fine, but Wilbur, we need to talk to you." Tommy states, and me and Wilbur look at each other in sync. "Okay", Wilbur says, and gets up to leave. "Hey, Y/N, mind if we hang out while they're busy? I feel I'm the only one who doesn't really know you" Eret says, and I nod. We all get up to leave, and after taking a few steps, I looked back, and Wilbur did the same. "See you tonight?" I ask, hoping the recent conversation doesn't ruin our friendship. Wilbur smiled weakly. "Of course" he said, and we walked our separate ways.

A/N: This chapter was sad for me to write. Especially knowing what happen in the next few chapters... Anyway, if you have any suggestions/things you want in the story, comment, and I'll try to incorporate it into the story. Stay safe, drink lots of water, eat, and remember we care about you <3. Can't wait to see you in the next chapter!

Word Count: 1243 words! :)

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