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Shubman woke up from his peaceful sleep and looked at the other side of bed, there was no sight of his spouse, he sighed nothing new , it's going like this from day one of their marriage life. He yawned waking to his bathroom, he brushed his teeth "what a lucky man you are.. lucky man my ass.." he spat scowling early in the morning , rinsed his mouth with water then wash his face. 

Walking out of his room, he saw the maid sweeping the floor , other one dusting all the furniture. "what 's the hurry .. do it comfortably.." he said but the maid shook her head "no Sir .. from now on we have to do cleaning early.." 

"who told you this.. who the hell finish cleaning by 8:30 .." he asked eyebrows knitted together "your spouse sir.." He groaned walking downstairs, finding his mother smiling while his father having a not so happy face. 

"look even Shubman is up now don't be sulky.." his mother chirped trying to lighten his father's sullen mood. "who the hell wake up at 8 on Sunday.." his father argued like a kid throwing tantrums "we do honey.. we do.." he ignored his mother and father just how they ignored his morning greetings one to busy to be sulky and other busy in being smiley and walked to the Kitchen.

There was the reason why they all woke up this early even on Sunday. "Can you please pass me that grinded cinnamon powder" the maid nodded at the smiling man, who noticed his husband standing on the door, smiling at him "Shubman uthgye aap.." he asked happy to see his husband there , looking fresh after doing his morning routine. 

"hmm koi kar bhi kya sakta hai.. " Shubman said , making himself comfortable on the kitchen counter where Ishan, his husband of five month was standing , preparing the breakfast as he prepare on every Sunday. 

It has become a rule in their house , not one but many mores like everyone have to wake up and leave their bed by 8'O clock in morning, no one can eat without doing morning business, what is a morning bed tea? sorry that does not esxist in Gill house, Ishan will make Sunday breakfast every week and all five of them will prepare dinner together on Sunday. 

"Sir I need to go to bathroom.." saying this maid went out and Shubman kept looking at his husband, he is a pretty man. It's a arrange marriage, it's not like Shubman had someone in his life so when his father asked he said yes , he was okay being bisexual he does not care about gender . 

Ishan turned around to taking some steps when his husband locked his waist by hooking legs "Shubman.. " he looked back at the cheeky smile of his husband who pulled him close . "kya chahiye aapko..?" Shubman tucked the loose strand of his husband's curls behind his ear, making his stand between his legs. 

"bs tum.." saying this Shubman kissed on other's eyes, whose cheeks turned pink . Ishan hugged his husband not being able to hold the eye contact, his cheeks rubbing with other's "oh Shubman.. " they parted away, him kissing his husband's cheek, who held his face in palms , bringing their lips close, closing his eyes but his lips were met with a soft palm of his husband. 

Shubman opened his eyes and saw his husband standing with his eyes closed, cheeks red and he sighed , Shubman let go of other's face kissing his forehead instead.

"Shubi.. suno too.." Ishan said holding other's hand who smiled buthe can tell his husband was not happy "not now Ishan.." saying this Shubman walked out, it's going on from past five months, whenever he take any step towards Ishan of intimacy other avoid, they haven't kissed yet let alone the whole consummate thing, it's not like Shubman want Ishan's body no never, he respect him that's why he never forced himself , and no matter how much American Shubman has become by spending his 24 years of life here in states as his parents shifted after his birth, his roots are Indian. 

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