Chapter 34

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"IT'S TiMe FoR ClAsS!" The dolls began to move, beginning to saunter towards the four of them.

"Class...?" Yashiro muttered, bewildered.

"WhIcH OnE oF YoU iS RuNnInG LaTe?!" They all cried in unison.

"Get down!" Hanako pulled three of them down, separating (y/n) and Takeru.

'Stay away...'

"Takeru? Are you okay?" (Y/n) shouted.

'Who am I kidding... he is a god , it will be fine.' (Y/n) mentally groaned.

'I still need answers, so don't disappear yet!'

"Really?" Takeru tilted its head and looked at Hanako almost mockingly,  holding the ginormous scissors.

"Jealous?" It asked.

"What? What are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked , bewildered.

'Don't tell me the Yugi twins are as bad as eachother...' (y/n) complained mentally, ignoring the dread she felt overflowing.

Looking at Hanako, his face was slightly flushed and he was still gripping onto (y/n)'s shoulders.

'No... Hanako could never be that bad...' she reassured herself meekly.

Oh , how wrong she was.

Suddenly, Takeru scooped up (y/n) in its arms, causing her face  explode into shades of crimson, its face nearly touching hers.

"T-takeru-kun?" (Y/n) asked, pulling away quickly.

"Don't worry!" It grinned , glaring at the dark faces of the trio.

"It's just a little fun!" It snickered, waving goodbye and disappearing with a flustered (y/n).

"Put me down!" (Yn) wormed out of his arms and stood up.

"Who is that (y/n)." A creepy voice echoed around the hallway.

"T-tsukasa?" (Y/n) jumped.


/*From this life to the next*/ Isekai fem reader x Yandere tbhkWhere stories live. Discover now