•Twenty Six•

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•We must wait•

Wanda's POV:

George came out of Byron's room where PJ, Brandon, and I were waiting. I asked, "So did it work?"

George handed me a fluke and said, "He's asleep but when he wakes up his head should be foggy. The good thing about this is that when he looks at drugs it'll make him sick. The bad thing is that I've triggered a trauma memory. He won't be okay for the next couple of days so I would give him a break on the therapy sessions."

I asked, "What do I do with this?"

George replied, "Anytime he hears that it will make him sleepy. I highly doubt that you will need it but that's just in case."

I said, "Thank you for your time!"

Brandon walked George to the door. Then he came back upstairs and we went into my office.

PJ asked, "So what happens now?"

I answered, "We do this the right way! If Byron brings up anything about the hypnosis we'll tell him that he's crazy."

PJ asked, "What if he notices that he won't have a feel for drugs anymore?"

Brandon intervened, "We'll just tell him that he's finally growing out of it. I don't think that it will make a difference."

PJ replied, "No, no that's not how it works...he's going to remember this. It might be a vague memory but he will remember this!"

I responded, "It's like I said, If he brings it up then we'll act like it never happened."

PJ sighed then I continued, "On the week of the wedding, I want Alicia and Malcolm to come stay with us. I still need to help Alicia pick out a dress, Byron's mental state should be good, and Malcolm will be here to help Byron complete the wedding."

PJ asked, "You don't think Malcolm will get suspicious of anything?"

I replied, "PJ, if you ask me another question, I promise I will kill you."

Brandon spoke up and said, "No Malcolm, won't get suspicious! If anything Malcolm is just going to come and support then go back to his miserable life."

I asked, "Does anybody know what's going on with him nowadays?"

Brandon replied, "I don't really care! I'm just worried about my son."

I asked, "Oh, was he your son when he ended up abandoned in those streets??"

Brandon said, "PJ, give us a moment alone!"

PJ asked, "What happens if Byron wakes up?"

I looked at PJ and walked around my desk. I reached into the drawers and retrieved my pistol then I held it up and said, "You've got five seconds to find yourself out of this office."

With no hesitation, PJ left and I threw my gun on top of the desk. Brandon grinned, "You look sexy when you're mad!"

I rolled my eyes then Brandon said, "You can act in denial, and pretend as if everything is my fault. But you were the one to push him into the rebellious life and you know it."

I responded, "I am not the only one to blame. You entitled him to money and now he's a spoiled druggie."

Brandon replied, "He WAS a druggie but thanks to my little idea of hypnotherapy he should be fine."

I added, "But he's still spoiled!"

Brandon responded, "Coming from the woman who once had no money."

I shot back, "Coming from the man who's good for nothing but money!"

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