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•I'm Ready•

Malcolm's POV:

During lunch, Desire got sick so I took her home. Then I worked the rest of my shift and I got our weekly check after work. I had a couple of errands to run and handled some financial business. While I was out Alicia called but I was busy so I couldn't answer at the moment. I didn't make it home until seven and I was exhausted. I knocked on Desire's door but there wasn't an answer. I cracked open the door a little bit and she was sleeping.

She's been sleeping since I dropped her off at lunch. Yeah, I know she's coming down with something. I sat on the edge of the bed and nudged her gently to wake up.

"TERRY!" She exclaimed.

I reassured her, "No it's Malcolm! I'm right here."

She looked at me and then rubbed her eyes. I recalled her telling me that Terry was her brother. But if that was the case, why was she calling his name so much!? Especially when she wakes up. As much as I wanted to ask she probably would've come up with some excuse again so I'ma leave it alone.

She asked, "What's wrong?"

I handed her the check and she looked at how much she got paid. "Just eight hundred dollars!?" She asked.

I stared at her then she said, "WHAT!? You can't expect me to not question when I was making WAY more than this at my last job."

I asked, "But doesn't it feel good knowing that you earned it the right way?"

She sighed, "I guess you're right, I was just expecting a lot more. Considering that I've been cleaning urine, vomit, and classrooms, and don't get me started with all the shower hair I've had to pick up on the floor."

I chuckled, "Well, it's a start at least!"

She nodded her head, "Yeah, I guess it's better than nothing. At least I'm not opening my legs for anybody."

Suddenly my phone rang again and I glanced at the caller ID. It was just Alicia and I declined the call.

"Don't get offended when I ask this question." I began, "What would that feel like for you when you were doing that?"

She shrugged, "You don't feel, you just do it! Don't think about it."

I asked, "Weren't you uncomfortable? Or scared that things could go far?"

She chuckled, "Of course! It wasn't a ride on a rollercoaster. Well, for some girls like me. You were uncomfortable, violated, and most of the time disgusted. Then you had girls that were also cash dolls, who liked that kind of action."

I asked, "What's Cash dolls?"

She explained, "Those are the girls who go further than just stripping. We called it Cash dolls which means, you were crossing boundaries with the customer having other things planned. Whatever got them the money though they would do it."

I asked, "Were you ever doing that?"

She replied, "No! I was just dancing for the most part. That's what got me jumped the night of Byron's party. I refused to do that."

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