Games of the Past

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*The next morning at London 

A chilly breeze blasted across London's streets as Alfie Solomons made his way to the newly opened Pleasure of Paradise Casino branch. His steps were deliberate, and his look was one of wonder. Having supported Acaz in setting up her casino in London, Alfie was no stranger to the world she inhabited.

Acaz sat in a lavish casino setting, absorbed in a high-stakes poker game. Her face conveyed no emotion, but her eyes revealed the sharpness of her mind. When she noticed Alfie's arrival, she gently folded her hands and moved up to greet him.

"Mr. Solomons," she said, her voice a melodious purr, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

Alfie said with a sneer, "Heard you've got a bit of a problem with a certain Raymond, thought I might offer my assistance."

Acaz's demeanor went cold. "Word travels fast, doesn't it?"

Before Alfie could reply, a familiar face entered the room. Aberama Gold's appearance always drew attention. 

The atmosphere became tight, the history between Aberama and Acaz evident.

Alfie, sensing the tension, observed sarcastically, "Quite the reunion we've got here. Should I be worried, Acaz?

Acaz groaned. "Aberama and I have... history."

Alfie arched an eyebrow, "So I've heard. But what's he doing here?"

Before Acaz could respond, Aberama, with his typical swagger, said, 

"Came to offer my help. Raymond's a common problem, after all."

Tommy Shelby, who had been told of Aberama's arrival, entered with a chilly stare. 


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"Gold," he said curtly, "didn't expect to see you here."

Aberama grinned, "Life's full of surprises."

Alfie's booming chuckle helped to break the tension. 

"All these alpha males in one room, and over what? A past romance and a common enemy? Let's get to business."

As the night progressed, plans were debated, old wounds were revived, and new alliances formed.

 Acaz, the crux of it all, maintained her cool even when her past with Aberama was alluded at.

Alfie and Acaz sipped a drink in a quiet spot, listening to jazz music in the background.

"You've come a long way from the naive girl I once knew," Aberama said with a smile.

Acaz smiled wistfully, "Time changes everything, but some scars are permanent."

Alfie, ever insightful, asked, "Regrets?"

Acaz paused before responding, 

"Regret is a luxury I cannot afford; every choice, every alliance, has led me to where I am."

The night became darker, and as the key characters in Birmingham's and London's underworlds met, a new chapter in their connected stories started. 

One in which old loves, current ambitions, and shadows from the past would shape the future.


Ace of Hearts (Peaky Blinders x O.C reader)Where stories live. Discover now